Evolution is a religion. A strange fantasy that we are nothing more than an accident that's evolved over millions of years. No meaning, no purpose, no inspiration, no spirituality, nothing. Death unavoidable. No spirituality or leader. A belief based on pseudo-science.
Who would choose this religion?
[Sarcasm mode]"Gravity is a religion. A strange fantasy that things falling are nothing more than an accident that's happened over millions of years. No meaning, no purpose, no inspiration, no spirituality, nothing. Fall unavoidable. No spirituality or leader. A belief based on pseudo-science.
Who would choose this religion?"[/Sarcasm mode]
Repeat after me: Read, understand, post.
Who would chose this...? Ignoring the false claim that evolution is a religion, and that atheists can't be "inspired" or give themselves "purpose", I guess only those who, you know, think it's true . The finality of death is not an enjoyable thought, but that doesn't make it false.
I think it is rather significant that when someone REALLY wants to try to discredit evolution, they try to convince people it is a religion.
After all, SCIENCE is factual, sensible, and respectable, unlike religion!
~David D.G.
A religion without any meaning, purpose, inspiration, or spirituality? What the hell makes a "religion" then?
Death unavoidable.
Religious* or not, death IS unavoidable for every. last. person on the planet.
Ponder that cheerful thought for a while... ;P
*Not including athiest/agnostic people that know evolution to be true (::bows to the other posters::), as Scarlets79 believes
Just because you have to bury your head in that holy book of yours to keep from soiling yourself at the prospect of a lack of meaning, purpose, and spirituality doesn't make it untrue. It just makes you pathetic.
If only I had know the truth about the Church of Evolution before I had become an atheist! I thought I'd be able to sleep in on Sunday, but no, I have to get up at 7 a.m. and go the chapel and praise Darwin for a few hours.
None of that silly Wallace worship, those dirty heretics.
It´s not a religion, is a scientific theory. And make up your mind, in the 1890's, it was a humanistic plot to undermind God. When it didn´t work, it was a communist plot, later on, an ideology, now a religion.........and counting.
Who would choose this religion?"
Exactly. IT's not a belief that someone would choose because it made them feel special. Therefore, it seems pretty self-evident that people believe it because it's supported by available evidence.
"Evoluton is a religion"
No, evolution and all other branches of science are just that, science and not religion.
"A strange fantasy that we are nothing more than an accident."
Not a fantasy, a fact based upon evidence.
"No meaning, no purpose, no inspiration, no spirtuality, nothing.
You have confused science with philosophy & theology.
"No spirituality or leader."
Yep, just plain old borning, sane reality.
"A belief based on pseudo-science."
No like all science its based on observation & experiment.
"Creationism is a religion: a strange fantasy that we were created by a psychopathic sky daddy for the sole purpose of worshipping at his feet. No other meaning, no other purpose, no other inspiration, no other spirituality, nothing. No free will. No choice. Eternal slavery. A belief based on hate-filler superstition, misogyny, and ignorance.
Who would choose this religion?"
Okay, in your first sentence you say evolution's a religion, right? Then in your third, fourth, and fifth sentences you say "no" to every single definition that would make it a religion! Although I must admit sentence number six is a perfect definition of "creationism" though I suspect that is not what you meant to do!
"No meaning, no purpose, no inspiration, no spirituality, nothing. Death unavoidable. No spirituality or leader."
That's a religion?
"Evolution is a religion."
No, the ToE is a scientific theory. It is a scientific theory which calls into question some of the statements in your Bible, but that doesn't make it a competing religion.
"A strange fantasy that we are nothing more than an accident that's evolved over millions of years."
Evolution is not a fantasy, it actually occured. The exact method of evolution and the exact relationships of some species is still debated among scientists, but whether or not evolution happen is not seriously in question.
"No meaning, no purpose, no inspiration, no spirituality, nothing."
As the ToE is a scientific theory dealing with the development of species, it is not surprising that it doesn't address "meaning," "purpose," "inspiration," or "spirituality." That doesn't mean it addresses nothing. It addresses the development of species.
"Death unavoidable."
That much is certain, whether or not one understands and accepts the ToE.
"No spirituality"
As the ToE is science, not religion, it's lack of spirituality is a good thing.
"or leader."
Other than the evidence, science doesn't require a leader.
"A belief based on pseudo-science."
The ToE is solid, credible science. You must be thinking of creationism/ID.
"Who would choose this religion?"
Only an idiot, as the ToE is not a religion. I might ask why you choose Xianity which requires you to believe in all sorts of ridiculous things and uphold illogical positions?
Fundies continue to repeat the old "evolution is a religion" nonsense. Apparently a few years ago, some fundies decided that since creationism was banned in public schools and they had pretty much lost that battle, they'd take the opposite tack and try to get evolution banned on the same basis by claiming it was also a "religion" within the meaning of the 1st Amendment. It's a childish argument that has never been attempted in court nor is ever likely to be. It continues to be repeated on fundie web sites and parroted by people like scarlet, though. It's not worth responding to.
Barring religions that focus on non theistic betterment such as some branches of buddhism, one should not choose a religion based upon what they're going to get out of it - especially in a non-existent afterlife. That would be the height of insanity!
Care to have another guess why people believe evolution disproves the wholly babble?
Ok, I really believe that I can fly. I believe this more than anything else in the world. If I jump off a cliff, what will happen?
Belief does not equal truth
"No meaning, no purpose, no inspiration, no spirituality?"
Doesn't sound so much like a religion, does it?
Evolution is biology. A scientifically strong and sound theory that we have evolved over billions of years. We're part of a food chain, we live to learn and to produce offspring, life is incredibly inspirational. Death unavoidable*. All social animals (including humans) have leaders who guide the pack/litter/herd/school/society for the common good. An evidence-based science, which has withstood 150 years of constant attacks and scrutinizing examinations.
Who wouldn't choose science over fantasy-based religions?
* Can you avoid death if you're religious or spiritual?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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