"because they're being decimated by HIV/AIDS. So why am I opposed to the normalization of homosexual behavior? Because I love black males. I want black males to live long, prosperous, healthy, disease-free lives"
...so therefore you're all FOR black males raping little virgin girls in Africa, because they believe that it cures them of AIDS?
You said it, Bryan, m'boy, I didn't.
(*Switches lights on; turns off video projector*)
...and that, class, is an example of how one can completely annihilate someone else's argument: take their own logic, take such to it's ultimate extreme, and turn it against them.
Child (raises hand): 'Especially as Mr. Fischite is claiming that heterosexuality is superior, yet has forgotten how HIV/AIDs is also spread by straight people having sex!'
Child 2 (raises hand): 'And this from someone who's never had a 'Gay Impulse' in his life. (*points to video projector) ...and he's made that obsolete, as he's projecting so much, you'd have to replace that with an IMAX one, teacher!'
(*Class erupts into roars of laughter*)
(wipes tears from eyes; calms down - somewhat): ...I'm going to have to go to the headmistress and ask her to open the safe in her stationary cupboard: because that's where she keeps the Platinum stars, for those examples of Thinking for Yourselves!