The porn site allows users to create their own groups that other people can view and post in. Before they got strict these were the top ten groups:
1. Young
2. Stickam
3. Incest
4. Jailbait
5. Daughters
6. Teen
7. deutsche teens
8. little puff nipples and hairless pussys
9. School Girls
10. Very Cute Only
The “Young” group was mostly filled with girls about 14. If there were no legal restrictions that’s what the porn industry would be using.
I can't imagine how pathetic you have to be when motherless is your "gotcha" argument. Not a bad website, but its got, thankfully, very little with actual reality.
Seems more an example of why nobody can have nice things without somebody laying down the law and why anarchy probably isn't ever going to work. Some monstrous asshole will mark it as their territory forcing out anyone who uses the resource as intended and smelling their own vileness similar creatures will follow the stench of evil and congregate there taking over entirely. Bearshare, for example, started out as music sharing then basically turned almost exclusively into data piracy and child pornography. Dating sites were meant for people who simply had difficulty reaching out and connecting but are now largely the province of people who really shouldn't be left alone in a room with the opposite sex. Even something as simple as a public toilets turn into impromptu homeless shelters that go from being an inconvenience acceptable on the basis of compassion to a den of the unhygienic and insane. Then junkies will take over for the bums. And if you don't have insane hobos or insane junkies you'll have people using them to meet hookers.
What the hell is "Stickam"? Anorexia porn?
(Checks) A video blogging site, largely aimed at "misfit youths", which went down in 2013? So I'm guessing stolen, presumably non-porn videos, mostly of young people? Okay, that's still kind of weird in itself, even if it's not focused on young girls wearing skimpy clothes (and it probably is).
"The best age to have an individual pregnancy is about 20-24 but the the best age for a girl to start reproducing in order to produce the most offspring overall and leave behind the most descendants seems to be about the mid to late teens. The earlier a girl starts reproducing the more offspring she can have altogether but only to a point. If she starts too young, say 12, the greater risks associated with becoming a mother at that age will outweigh the benefits of the longer reproductive lifespan. At some age below the early 20s there must be a point at which the benefits of the longer reproductive lifespan are in balance with the higher risks of pregnancy at that age and this seems to be the mid to late teens."
The good news that at least he realize that pregnancy at 12 is not safe.
And now half of seems to be simulated snuff videos. What's THAT do for your argument, chickenlicker?
Either way I'd say it's more indicative of an incel infestation than anything else.
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