David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Despite the government's claim that people are living longer, the daily news is saturated with people dying at a much earlier age. Pop star, Michael Jackson, died June 25, 2009 in Los Angeles, California at age 50.
Jackson's biggest hit album was THRILLER, which sold over 50,000,000 copies, making it the top selling album in history. Yet, during his 2005 court hearings revolving around his Neverland Ranch in California, it was discovered that Jackson was financially broke. What is money in view of eternity . . .
Infamous for his crotch-grabbing style of dancing and freakish behavior, Jackson is now being tormented in Hell. His earthly life has passed away and he is now in eternity, having died in his sins without Jesus Christ.
Super model, and former Playboy celebrity, Farrah Fawcett, of the once hit television series Charlie's Angels, also died on June 25, 2009 of cancer at age 62. According to a TV show Extra, Farrah Fawcett was a devout Catholic and called for her priest to give her Last Rites before her death. Last Rites is a demonic doctrine taught by the Catholic Church, and is one of their required unbiblical Sacraments, in which they teach that a sinful priest has the power to forgive one's sins before death. I have said it over and over and I will say it until the Lord takes me home to Heaven... NO MAN on this earth can forgive your sins, because they are saturated with sins themselves. Only Jesus Christ, the God-man, can forgive anyone's sins. The only man who never sinned is Jesus Christ (2nd Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 4:15). Jesus came to this earth as 100% God and 100% man.
I was saddened to learn in September of 2006 that Steve Irwin, the 'Crocodile Hunter' died at age 44. Who was Steve Irwin? According to news reports, he was pierced through the heart by a deadly stingray barb in Australia. I do not know if Steve Irwin was a Christian or not. He certainly seemed like a very happy person all the time. He loved animals and did much to help them. It is certainly ironic that an animal pierced Steve through the heart, when he had given his heart to animals for so long. I liked Mr. Irwin because he chose to live on the Sunnyside of Life. It was always refreshing to see his energy, and personality. Steve has been missed by many.
Yet, I can't help but wonder where he is in eternity at this moment. I get disgusted when I hear the lost world always saying that everyone goes to Heaven ... they don't.