@Goomy pls
Marjan Siklic is a paedo."
Need I - or your good self, least of all Layla on WGW - say any more?
Sprouts/Skiing/Violin =/= what is only allowed for ADULTS. Your existence - never mind your 'argument' - is invalid.
Not seeing you here in the UK, openly defending Gary Glitter in court right now, paedocut100(times) - or openly condoning paedophilia in public, neither - which further invalidates what is basically paedophilia apologetics.
PROTIP: Our Scotland Yard's ongoing Operation Ore has backup from GCHQ and their telecommunications/internet interceptions & supercomputers; they've busted many a paedophile ring here in the UK & beyond; they share info with the FBI.
And if GCHQ has intercepted Al-Qaeda & IS communications via the Deep Web, which was compromised a while back (Silk Road's creator on trial right now) by GCHQ & the NSA, then they'll most probably know about you. Good. Paedos. Al-Qaeda. What's the difference? Both are subhumans who have no right to exist.
BTW, have you checked out "Spiked"*, the source of that subhuman & his paedo-worshipping (if he's not an actual kiddy-diddler himself)? It's basically 4chan's /pol/ with ideas above it's station. When they - apparently for 'Free Speech' - won't expose UKIP for what it really is: [b]basically National Front Mk. II, as it's Fuhrer Nigel Farage was a senior member of that now defunct neo-Nazi group, as he would want to remove the basic rights of [I]others[/I], if he ever had his way.[/b]
'Spiked'. A wretched hive of scum and villainy indeed. Who have never heard of "The Independent".
Won't condemn a Nazi, you ARE a Nazi. Hitler was a 'populist' too. Ron Paul is anti-abortion. [/Reverse-Godwin]
*-'Neill_(journalist) (emphasis added):
'He began his career at Spiked's predecessor, Living Marxism, the journal of the Revolutionary Communist Party, which ceased publication after ITN won their libel action against the magazine.' essentially, as per Andy Schaftafly's Conservapoodia is to Wikipedia, "Spiked" is to what Schaftafly & co. refer to as the 'Lamestream Media', eh Brenda? Nope, no 'agenda' on your part. Like I say: not seeing you condemn Nigel Farage's National Front Mk. II, least of all what the paedo-apologist said, on your so-called 'blog'. Even Stevie Wonder doesn't need to read between the lines...!:
'but is now a regular blogger at'
...a.k.a. The Torygraph.
'Referring to high-profile cases of racial abuse and alleged racial abuse, he argued, "these incidents and alleged incidents are not racism at all, in the true meaning of the word", due to the levels of passion involved, describing anti-racism efforts as "a pretty poisonous desire to police the ... working classes".'
...and someone else used to whip up 'passion' too: in a certain European country in the early-mid 1930s.
'O'Neill and others associated with the Revolutionary Communist Party, Living Marxism and Spikedincluding Frank Furedi, Mick Hume and Claire Foxare often seen by commenters such as Nick Cohen as having shifted from a far left position to an extreme stance on the libertarian right. Although O'Neill still insists that he is part of the left, critics such as George Monbiot have suggested that this is typical as a ploy adopted by those associated with the RCP to split and discredit consensus upon the left'
Even comedian & comedy writer Kevin Day was a member of the neo-Nazi National Front. With emphasis on was. He changed. Completely.
The BNP's Nick Griffin is bankrupt. But then, tell us something else we don't know; they were bankrupt in every conceivable way when those inferior subhumans (EDF, I'm looking at you) started thinking the way they did. Those who fought [I]against[/I] your very way of [I]thinking[/I] would like a word with you.
Sieg Heil, Brenda O'Nazi.