Charles Darwin married a close relative and had many children with defects.
He died and was a mental case his last years
... If you are trying to disprove evolution, you are failing miserably at it.
Yes, Darwin married his cousin. And he was only a "mental case" because he tried to hold in the theory of evolution, because it would be ridiculed by a lot of popular scientists. If you fucking kept a massive secret that you KNEW was true for 20 years, you'd be a "mental case" too, whatever the fuck that means.
I'd be a mental case too if I died and somehow still had my facilities. Just think about it; he was in that coffin for years, scratching the hell out of the inside of the lid, and nobody could hear him. it took four years to dig himself out just so he could be shot through the brain and reburied. You see how sane you stay after an underground stint like that.
What is your point? That mentally ill and those marrying cousins giving birth to children with defects cannot be right?
As a person with ADD and depression, and lots of friends with disorders, I take deep offense.
And Christopher Columbus died of syphilis. Your point? Not to mentin a certain Jesus, who was a known cannabis smoker.
Coadie said defects.
Defects are evolution, amirite?
(Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't want to look like a total ass.)
Ironclad rule of biographies of people you don't like: they always die batshit crazy. Even when they don't.
(Nietzsche actually did, but that's another story.)
Wait, I have to say something here...
If you take the Bible as literal fact, as many of these people do... Technically, didn't Adam marry his daughter? Or would she be considered his fraternal twin?
Technically, if all humans sprung from Adam and Eve, there would have been quite some in-breeding in the beginning.
Not to mention that Eve sounds like Adam's opposite-sex clone. Alien 4, anyone?
Did he, now? Interesting. Mmm...hmm...yes. Quite fascinating. Yes.
Oh, no, I stopped listening a long while ago. I just figured you were nuts and had to get it all out. Have a nice day!
Jacob, who became Israel, married his cousins Rachel and Leah, as one of the more notable instances of the practice in the Bible.
"Charles Darwin married a close relative and had many children with defects.
He died and was a mental case his last years"
[Citation Seriously Fucking Needed]
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