theantifeminist #sexist
Note the sentence ”with men seeming to prefer women younger than the age of peak fecundity‘. I’ve argued for this for ten years now, putting myself against the Manosphere core assumption that because of the well known ‘scientific fact’ that women peak in fertility around the age of 21, it follows that this is the age most normal men find most attractive in a woman. It has most firmly been enshrined in Manosophere lore by the grandee Rollo Tomassi and his infamous ‘peak sexual market value curve’ graph.
SMV curve Rollo Tomassi
As you can see, he actually claims that a woman reaches her peak sexual market value at the age of 23 (presumably, Tomassi thinks peak female fertility occurs at that age). This always struck me as complete and utter nonsense. A peak fertility of 21 or 23 (if that age is correct, and might not always historically have been so and is likely influenced by age of motherhood itself) means nothing other than it is the age at which women are most likely to give birth at after sex. It might say something important about likely female sexual strategy or preferences, it tells us little or nothing about what age a man would be expected to prefer in a sexual partner. In a society or culture in which some form of mate bonding is the norm, a man who is attracted to 15 year old girls will have a massive advantage over somebody attracted primarily to 23 year old women. Not only is the former choosing a female with far more reproductive years ahead of her, the 15 year old girl is of course far more likely to be a virgin. I’m not a regular reader of Rollo Tomassi, but I can assume he is aware of the importance of the ‘mummy’s baby, daddy’s maybe’ maxim in male evolutionary sexual strategies. Therefore, evolution has produced men to prefer young pubescent girls.
As the quote says, the most optimal mate seeking strategy for men would be to find a female who has only just begun ovulating, or is soon to start ovulating. In other words not yet pregnant, but about to be so (with your sperm if you can capture her heart (or father’s blessing) first). For most of human history, females would be impregnated as soon as they were able to be. On the male side, the winning reproductive lottery ticket goes to the man who is able to attract and keep a girl who is just starting puberty (and preferably other such girls too). Everybody alive today is the genetic result of our ‘paedophile’ sex predator ancestors.
Isn’t it ironic, that this whole paedohysteria over ‘sex predators’ is about stopping men doing what is most natural to them, and most essential to the survival of the human species – mate bonding with young teens?