David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There are people in this world who could kill you and go have dinner without the least bit of remorse. I can't help but think about the perpetrators behind the 911 attacks. It's sickening to see them smiling and dining, even expressing phony condolences for the people they murdered. The global elite pretend to care about the poor through various programs at the United Nations, while simultaneously sponsoring the criminal warlords who reign supreme as thugs over many third world nations today, afflicting the poor and killing the innocent. Oh how the poor, oppressed and afflicted cry out to God from all corners of the earth. While first world nations indulge in plenty of food and provisions, hundreds-of-millions of people struggle to survive in third world countries.

At present, a worldwide massive vaccination effort has been underway to sterilize the world's population. It is done under pretense of numerous major programs to feed the poor (such as World Vision). There is no escape. Soon, genetically modified foods will be distributed by world leaders to sterilize the population. In the past, fake tetanus shots laced with sterilization chemicals have been given to young women around the world.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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