I have a strong gut feeling that your "62%" statistic is exaggerated or skewed in some manner, but I haven't actually checked for myself yet, so I'll play fair and refrain from attacking it. I do know that gay and bisexual men have the highest incidence of HIV in developed countries (just not to what degree). Either way, the negative implications you are aiming for here are easily refuted, even if gay and bisexual men accounted for more than "62%" of all HIV cases in the US.
In developed countries, HIV remains disproportionately endemic to men who have sex with men (MSM) primarily because that segment of the population just so happened to be where HIV first appeared in the developed world, and sexual orientation has always kept it at least somewhat confined to them. (Over half of all MSM have sex primarily or exclusively with other men.) The fact that things happened that way was pure chance; it has nothing to do with homosexuality itself.
However, the situation is much different outside of the small, comfy bubble of first-world society, where HIV didn't suddenly "pop up" among a small segment of society that is more sexually active with itself than the rest. Furthermore, in the developing world, people didn't (and still don't) have affordable access to protection, testing, and education to keep the disease at least somewhat "quarantined" to wherever it started. But we do have those things, which is another reason why HIV in developed countries tends to stay confined to the portions of the population where it first appeared.
What's fucking hilarious is that you blatantly and shamelessly admitted you knew this and decided to sweep it under the rug because it inconveniences your hatred. But what's even more hilarious is your half-witted, straw-graspingly pathetic excuse for it:
"What goes on in the rest of the world doesn't affect the USA."
Every time man has grown arrogant, the end result wasn't pretty. American exceptionalism is an epitome of arrogance, and since it is nothing but ignorant, jingoist bullshit, the US isn'twellan exception going to buck this trend.