Wayne #fundie topix.com

(a discussion regarding Jesus {in an Evolution Debate forum}) [**emphasis added**]

"Again, your unbelief and disdain for believers show through. Yes, He died 2,000+ years ago. But you left out the most important part. The part you ABSOLUTELY refuse to believe. The part the oh so intelligent scientific field claims is impossible. The part that is a stumblingblock to the world and people like you. That part is.. He arose the third day and now lives eternal. To forgive YOU and ME of our sins. He defeated death so death would have no claim to us. **You claim you are not afraid of death. If you knew the after life existed you would be VERY afraid.** Yes, it's all faith. You have faith but it's misplaced in science."



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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