supersport #fundie
Atheists have successfully hoodwinked a large segment of society. This has been done under the guize of science. Evolutionary science's main goal in the past 100 years has not only been to divert people away from God, but to divert people away from their own common sense. This has been done for purely political reasons. This group of mental terrorists have no desire to uncover the truth. Their main goal has always been to justify their atheist existence and to mold and shape society as they see fit...(ie...soicalism, communism.)
But the problem is, their "science" goes against every drop of common sense...starting with something called the Law of Biogenesis. This law states two things: 1) that living things must come from other living things. 2) that living things can only produce other living things like themselves.
Thus, to get a cat, there must be a living thing giving birth to that cat. And not only that, but that living thing, by law, cannot be a chicken or a dog. It must be a cat. To get a starfish, there must first be a starfish (or two). To get a snail, there must first be snails. To get a human there must first be humans. And no one has proven otherwise. Yet evolutionists like to say that this is not case. In fact, to them, this law must have been broken millions of times over the course of history. Of course it's opinions like these which are the consequence of them permenantly living in fairytale land.
But it gets worse for the atheist. The first law states that only living things can come from other living things. This means the theory of atheistic evolution is false because at some point, life would have had to emerge from something non-living. But until someone can make life starting from scratch...( DNA, no proteins, no nucleotides, no RNA, etc)...nothing but the elements on the periodic table, then you guys have absolutely no authority to claim anything. You have no authority to claim that intelligence came from non-intelligence. You have no authority to claim that an intelligent code did not come from an intelligent sender. You have no authority to claim that the human mind was not the result of intelligent thought. And you certainly have no authority to claim that humans came from monkeys.
All evolutionist scientists/authors have got is the authority to crown themselves as the kings of mythological fiction-writing. And that's all the theory of evolution is: A big, fat, impossible myth based on a fraud premise that's not backed up by even one shred of evidence. The only real evidence they have going for them is the fact that most atheist scientists agree with -- and promote -- the giant atheist propaganda machine otherwise known as ToE.