You won't read sob stories in the media for the dozens of dead, burned children who were murdered by the FBI at the Branch Davidians. The ass kissing media falls all over itself to support criminals with badges. And the little Branch Davidians children are dead, murdered, gassed, and their bodies burned by the CRIMINALS OF OKLAHOMA CITY in a failed attempt to hide evidence of mass murder by WMD poison gas.
The worst bit is he is using that as a "reason" for why the Federal Building in Oklahoma was bombed by Timothy McVeigh.
I am not from the US, but I figure that the events happening in different states and being due to the Davidians not paying stuff for their fancy firearms was the reason the ATF came to ask them about it. Then they shot a dude... AKA stupid move.
So according to Bob, the ATF killed the children in Waco, Texas with poison gas. And then in order to cover that up, the FBI (which I must point out is a different organization) hid the bodies in the wreckage of a federal building that was blown up in a different state two years later .
Where, pray tell, were the bodies of the children kept before McVeigh exploded the Oklahoma Federal Building and the associated city block?
CS gas, the gas that they used in Waco, is not considered a WMD. Heck, it's considered to be a "less lethal" weapon. However, it's flammable , so if you fill up a compound with CS gas, and the people inside the compound keep setting off explosives, you'll start a bunch of fires. This isn't rocket science.
Actually, some of it is rocket science, but it's not terribly complicated or sinister. Just tragic.
Why not just fake the autopsies? Sheesh, why would the government go through all these hoops when all they had to say is that David Koresh poisoned the kids, here's the medical evidence.
The thing I love about the conspiracy theorists is that they come up with the most intricate plans that involve hundreds of people, where a coverup could of been done involving 5 people and a lie.
they make up htese big webs becuase they think that lots of people are out to get them, so therefore they must all be in on all these evil plots. the fact that they could make a fortune by revealing said plot be damned, they care more about keeping the conspiracy than making themselves filthy stinking rich.
For out-of-towners: Waco became a cause celebre for the lunatic fringe in this country and Timothy McVeigh allegedly used it as an inspiration for the OKC attack. Those who consider it an abuse of governmental power generally gloss over the fact that the Branch Davidians were a highly authoritarian group with a strong history of sexual manipulation. Under the circumstances, allegations of child abuse were inevitable (though considering how Texas CPS fucked up the FLDS raid, it probably would have done just about as much good to rerun the Waco tape).
What appears to have actually happened is that there was a massive loss of communication between the Washington FBI and ATF offices and the field units on the scene in Waco. As a result, there was confusion over the type of tear gas that was supposed to be used in the building and evidently the nonflammable variety that was called for was swapped for a more common, more flammable gas. Considering David Koresh was intentionally trying to provoke an apocalypse to begin with, it pretty much played right into his (and the lunatic fringe's) hands, and it's likely though not confirmed that Koresh and associates set the fires themselves, in which case the tear gas mixup made a bad situation unconscionably worse.
Frankly the Federal law enforcement authorities couldn't win for losing, so when the Ed and Elaine Brown situation cropped up in New Hampshire, they decided to outwit them rather than go in guns blazing. (Considering the Brown house is basically a fortress anyway, especially compared to the rickety Branch Davidian compound, this was probably a wise idea.) However, despite the arms violations and rumors of child abuse, the Branch Davidians are still looked at as martyrs to government tyranny. As long as the far right in this country is motivated by childish greed and fantasies of violent revolution and Handmaid's Tale futures, we're going to be stuck with those assholes, whose only real talent is being able to frame their "plight" better than the Feds.
Bob, I'm soooo disapointed. You forgot Randy Weaver of Ruby Ridge, the guy who made everyone else think Idaho was filled with right-wing kooks and militia movements ever since. The Weavers of Idaho, the Browns of New Hampsire and others have been tax protesters with their own creative arguments why they should not pay income tax: either it's uncostitutuinal or only gold, not Federal Feserve Notes are real money. Courts take a dim view of this and generally don't like people wasting their time with these arguments.
It was David Koresh, if I remember well, who set fire on the house. So, that´s why we never hear such a thing.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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