Wulf Ingessunu #racist wodenism.blogspot.co.uk

This does not mean that we have rejected the idea of an Aryan Hierarchy based upon the Aryan Social Order set down by the Gods, and brought down to us by Hama-Heimdall and The Avatar. It is still our belief that such an order has to be revived within our Folk, but that our own Folkish Religion - at this time - would not benefit by creating such a structure. What we call the Folk-Ways has been set up in order to cater for change here in England - change for the worse! Any movement needs to be flexible and able to change to suit the circumstances of that particular time.

In order to create the Haeldom it is necessary to create a Divine Order based upon that given by Hama-Heimdall and The Avatar, and this has to be based upon the functions of the Body of Man -

Priest-King-Magician = The Head,

Warrior-AEthlinga = The Arms,

Landsman-Provider-Craftsman-Regenerator = The Loins,

Thralls-Workers = The Legs/Feet.

Without such a Divine Order it is impossible to create a New Order and a wholesome movement within our Folk.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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