
Wulf Ingessunu #racist wodenism.blogspot.co.uk

The 55 Club have published a book that honours the great Aryan Hero Richard Scutari who remains in a US prison after being denied parole because he refuses to denounce his world-view and his ideals. Richard Scutari was a member of the Bruders Schweigen ('Silent Brotherhood'), also known as The Order. This group declared war upon the corrupt, deceitful and degenerate ruling powers of the USA which was openly seeking the destruction of the White Race. Every living creature, except the mass of our people, fights back with any means when it's freedom and survival is threatened.

Richard is a Wotanist and he works tirelessly to encourage our Folk to return to their roots and to honour their ancestors and gods. The book can be got from Amazon.co.uk and is a must for those who struggle for the freedom of their Folk and Nation. Not many give up their life for this struggle, as Richard has done, and this work serves to encourage others to work harder and harder, and to respond to the every more threatening situation that we are in today.

The book cover shows that Richard is being guarded and guided by Wotan, for those who have eyes to see! Wearing his Thor's Hammer with pride he faces up to the wyrd that the Norns set for him, and has never given in, nor never wavered in his strength of will. At 70 years old he is fit and active and exercises every day, performs yoga and meditation, something that should push us all to become fitter and ready for anything that is thrown at us. When we 'worship' the gods we do not bend the knee, for the true meaning of 'worship' means 'to emulate'; we emulate the deeds and ways of the Gods, and we emulate the deeds and the ways of the Great Heroes of our Folk.

Wulf Ingessunu #racist wodenism.blogspot.co.uk

This does not mean that we have rejected the idea of an Aryan Hierarchy based upon the Aryan Social Order set down by the Gods, and brought down to us by Hama-Heimdall and The Avatar. It is still our belief that such an order has to be revived within our Folk, but that our own Folkish Religion - at this time - would not benefit by creating such a structure. What we call the Folk-Ways has been set up in order to cater for change here in England - change for the worse! Any movement needs to be flexible and able to change to suit the circumstances of that particular time.

In order to create the Haeldom it is necessary to create a Divine Order based upon that given by Hama-Heimdall and The Avatar, and this has to be based upon the functions of the Body of Man -

Priest-King-Magician = The Head,

Warrior-AEthlinga = The Arms,

Landsman-Provider-Craftsman-Regenerator = The Loins,

Thralls-Workers = The Legs/Feet.

Without such a Divine Order it is impossible to create a New Order and a wholesome movement within our Folk.

Wulf Ingessunu #racist wodenism.blogspot.co.uk

[Talking about martial arts]

The history behind these is also alien to us as English and we need some form of Warrior Arts that incorporates our own lore. We are always being told that this history started in the Shaolin Temple in China, but very often the fact that it was the 'Blue-Eyed Barbarian' - Boddhidharma - who came from India (and being a descendant of Sakyamuni would have been an Aryan) who taught the arts to the Chinese Monks is overlooked, and from there it passed to Okinawa and Japan etc. As we can see from the development of these arts in such different ways in China, Japan and Korea each particular culture developed it in their own unique way. Since the source can also be claimed to be Aryan, then we too can take the basic principles and develop them for our own use in Europe.


This form of spiritual and physical exercise must have the purpose of creating the 'New Man' who will be the herald of a 'New Order' on Earth.

Wulf Ingessunu #fundie wodenism.blogspot.co.uk

Reading one of the national newspapers (which I only do at the most once a week) I spotted a bit by Mr Cameron on his 'greatest achievement for 2014' which was the law allowing 'same-sex marriages'. Can someone please inform Mr Cameron of the Eternal Laws relating to this -

Male + Male = 0

Female + Female = 0

Male + Female = Child

When this Eternal Law is broken our Folk cannot survive, since without children there will be no future generations. People should question why Mr Cameron wishes this upon our Folk!

The second 'achievement' mentioned by our Mr Cameron is that Britain has the fastest-growing economy; before we pat ourselves on the back for this, it has only come about by including in our economy drugs and prostitution. What sort of sick society bases their economy on drugs and prostitution? More to the point is that we have here the reason the 'War against Drugs' never actually achieves anything - for if it did our economy would fail. It is the small petty drug-dealers on the street that are caught, and they can be replaced.

All this gives us good reason to put more and more effort into creating a Spiritual Revolution that will put an end to this hell-on-earth created by the Dark Forces that rule us today. We need to be even more fanatical about this in the sense of an urgency, since things are getting worse and worse in this land.