dps.inspect #fundie freerepublic.com

That’s really stupid, atheists believe that belief in God is man’s biggest problem, you know, all wars are fought in the name of God and what not; so an atheist would likely let the injured be and move onto another. I guarantee that if a voodoo practicing Haitian were injured and a Christian were helping him, he’d be very glad, and he would know that a Christin would not accede to the wish of invoking demons... while the atheist, in his ignorance, would accede and allow for demonic intervention. If the atheist wishes to know whether or not demons exist, stay and live among those who practice voodoo or other paganistc practices, and challenge them to a, shall we say, contest.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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