[A dear friend of mine has just lost his partner of 30 years. His grief is indistinguishable from the grief of a bereaved heterosexual person in the same circumstances. Shall I tell him not to grieve, that he can easily find another outlet for his sex drive?]
And what is your point? But he felt grief, his grief make homosexuality a justified sin.
People grieve for the lost of dead animals just a much. Grief/human emotion is not how you discern the righteousness of God. Simply pick up the Bible and read it. God's righteousness in contained therein and cannot be found any other place. God's righteousness is not in man.
You just compared a human being's grief over the loss of his lover to the grief felt over the loss of a fucking animal , you sick son of a bitch.
And unless you believe that a man grieves for his wife just as much as he'd grieve over the death of his dog, you need to go die in a fucking fire for ever, ever insinuating that a love that lasted 30 years (and more, since death does not extinguish love) is in any way comparable to a pet's love just because the people in question were the same sex.
Apparently, righteousness is not in your god, either. It's in your fantasy book. That was the point of your argument, right?
You are truly lost.
God's righteousness is not in man
Well, it's certainly not in you . But then since you clearly lack the ability to empathise with the suffering of a fellow human being I think we can safely dismiss your comments for the meaningless twaddle that they are.
Slavery, including POW sexual slavery, is okay. Certain rape victims should be stoned to death, while others should be forced to marry their rapists, with no divorce ever. Argue your way out of those, using only the Bible, since God's righteousness cannot be found in any other place.
So hte fact that their love is as real and justified as any is irrelevant. GAWD SAID IT'S TEH WRONGZEZ!
Not wrong enough to make more than, what, 3 passages about it, but WRONG!
Why not read David's lament for Jonathan - love surpassing that for woman! Now twist that into something with a non-gay meaning.
Also I love the utter dehumanising of a gay person's grief. Queers deserve to suffer and have no right to sympathy, eh?
If there were a god, he/she/it should smite those who harbour such unfeeling sbout their nbeighbour.
Love God with your whole heart and love thy neighbor as thyself, this is the whole of the law.
You're coming up a tad short, sugar. Mind growing a soul? A man in mourning for his beloved could use a little compassion.
Jesus would offer coffee and donuts (modern fishes and loaves).
What is his point?, obvious, that he's not a libertine, promiscuous rapist. And following your logic, why mourning our spouses?, or our dead family, friends and the sort?
Someone please steal this misanthrope's bible, and thereby deflate its soul, so we can all laugh.
God's righteousness in contained therein and cannot be found any other place.
That's a good thing. Under realistic circumstances a moldy old book like that is properly ignored in favor of something more coherent.
God's righteousness is not in man.
Another good thing. And we try to stay uncorrupted by that poisonous nonsense this levite kkll4ever calls "righteousness".
Rhys beat me to it. My first thought upon seeing this was "sure this username isn't KKK4ever?"
The bigotry fits if nothing else does.
What is it with fundies and their obsession with gay sex? Are they jealous or something?
Mind you, given that their world view consists largely of one gigantic list of prohibitions (and sadistic punishments for transgression thereof) they probably ARE jealous. Who was it who said that fundamentalism was the very real dread that someone, somewhere, is having fun?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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