"A depressingly hilarious comic series about how in 2021, godless liberals have given up control of the US to the United Nations, Hillary and Moore control the country, Osama is a UN Ambassador, and a new brand of conservative freedom fighters have to rescue the US from the tyranny of the left."
As opposed to, say... "The Purge"
'In 2022 the United States has become "a nation reborn", with crime and unemployment rates hitting an all-time low. To allow the venting of negative emotions, the government has instated a 12 hour period called 'The Purge', during which almost all crime (including murder) is legal and emergency services are suspended.'
Basically a visual fapfest for the Teabagger/Dominionist Survivalist set.
And - as per "The Hunger Games" being a watered-down for Western teens rip-off of Japan's "Battle Royale" novel/manga/films, the above scenario is essentially the John Carpenter film "Assault on Precinct 13" mixed in with "Cape Fear" and "Panic Room". (fuck me, but the so-called 'pitchers' in Hollywood these days aren't even trying?!)
The lack of originality, re. your purported 'comic' you linked to (read too many of the "Doomsday Warrior" novels/watched "Red Dawn" too many times, and think they're non-fiction & a documentary, respectively, much?!) - and therefore your point - is the least of your problems, frankly.
@Haywood Jablomy
Please don't remind me! Too many times did I see that load of crap advertised in some of the comics I was collecting - the more obscure stuff in the mid-late 80s (Two words: Joshua Quagmire) - and frankly, is an insult to His Excelsior!ness Stan Lee and the Great God Jack Kirby.