David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The CIA's involvement in public brainwashing propaganda is overwhelmingly disturbing to say the least. It's insane. The Rockefeller family engineered Feminists to destroy our American culture, and create a Communist system where parents are mere incubators for the almighty State. The average marriage can't even make it 5-years today, because society has taught women to be 100% intolerant of their husbands; and the local police have been trained to be over-reacting thugs (who once they have processed you into the system, your life will be over for years to come. All it takes is one phone call to 911 to ruin someone's life (or save it); yet that all we hear thrown in our faces on television is to make the call... 911, 911, 911. It's not coincidence that the Illuminati thugs behind the 911 Attacks chose the date of 911. It is a symbol of fear and distress, of a nation in need. The very number 911 psychologically requires an emergency response, including military action against anyone who looks to be guilty.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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