And how is a grandparent that is 3 million years old different than a grandparent that is 90 years old, that is if evolution were true?
Umm I'd say about 2,999,910 years... that and that one can actually exist, and the other is completely fictional.
For those who wanted some context: This is about some anti-evolution material that shows a child with an ape for a grandparent. People were arguing that this was disingenuous. This nitwit thinks there is no difference between your 2nd generation and your 100,000th generation so the picture is not a lie.
The Grandparent that's 3 Million years old is a physical impossibility. If you recall, we're the one's who have had a consistent view of life spans, as opposed to some who believe that man lived for hundreds of years at some point.
"And how is a grandparent that is 3 million years old different than a grandparent that is 90 years old, that is if evolution were true?"
One doesn't smell as bad as the other?
Hey, stupid, we're talking about an ancestor who lived 3 million years ago, not a 3 million year-old individual. Are you being obtuse or do you really only have 4 brain cells?
You might share a language with your 90-year-old grandparent.
You obviously share the brain power of the older one, i.e. still runs from fire.
You meant ancestor, and here's clue 1...
(sorry for fucking up peoples formats if they don't have widescreen monitors)
The Theory of Evolution states, quite obviously, that species make adpative changes over millions of years and GENERATIONS.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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