ElyseE, newspapers are the most liberal source of information possible, and are written at about the 7th grade level. I hope you get your information from better sources. I get my information from Conservapedia , and the internet at large
You get your information...from a site that you're in charge of, therefore making any information you "get" information that you either put there yourself or approved of.
Yeah, that makes SO much more sense than reading the New York Times.
Dear Mr. Schlafly,
Enclosed is a copy of the bill for my latest irony meter. If you would kindly sir, please send me a cashier's check or money order for the amount so that I may use the funds to replace the one your post broke.
Thinking Allowed
"I get my information from MYSELF"
Thanks for admitting you're pulling all of this out of your own ass, Andy. As if we didn't already know.
How come you only have liberal newspapers? Over here we have socialistic ones and conservative ones, environmentalist ones and yes, liberal ones as well. And they are most certainly not written at a 7th grade level.
In my experience, the "internet at large" is much more liberal and written at a much lower grade level.
Especially Conservapedia has a very low-grade, "big-lettered" text (the "more liberal" is not valid here, of course).
"ElyseE, newspapers are the most liberal source of information possible,and are written at about the 7th grade level."
Yeah. Go fuck yourself Assfly.
Which am I going to believe? Newspapers, of which there are countless throughout the world, and which aside from their OP ED sections, present unbiased reporting and interviews, or a website on the internet that markets itself as the only trustworthy source because it's Conservative, and all the other media is controlled by teh eebil liberuls ?
So, Andy Schlafly gets his information from... Himself. Well, at least a news source that he has and frequently exercises editorial control on. That makes sense.
Though I fail to see why Newspapers being written to be legible at a seventh grade reading level discredits the content of the article. If he means to suggest that they have a seventh grade level of research, he is very wrong.
You are a horrible human being, Andy Schlafly. You shut down even your supporters when they're trying to support you.
Fuck, you're the John Byrne of the political 7th circle
That's a relief. It seldom ends well for people who start to believe their own hype. Will Shlafly die overweight, Elvis-style in a Las Vegas toilet, or will he go out in a blaze of "glory" like David Koresh? Stay tuned...
"I get my information from Conservapedia, and the internet..."
Well, at least now we know why you're so patently misinformed. It still doesn't explain your utter stupidity though. Care to enlighten us on that too?
"newspapers are the most liberal source of information possible"
No they aren't, talking to liberals is you dumb fucker.
This is from a guy trying to rewrite the Bible and, judging by his writing, either rape the English tongue or redefine every other word in the dictionary. Are any of you guys actually surprised by the quote?
Funny; he claims the New International Version of the Bible is written at 7th-grade level as well (which is one reason he wants to rewrite it; presumably to put it out of the reach of seventh-graders).
What's his problem with the seventh grade in particular? Is it just a random number he likes to pull out; did he flunk eighth grade English; or is there something else in it?
Another dispatch from bizarro world.
Tabloids skew to the right and have basic reading levels, broadsheets skew to the left and have advanced reading levels.
Isn't the Washington Times the only major US convervative broadsheet?
I hope you get your information from better sources. I get my information from Conservapedia
Logical disconnect between those two sentences. Conservapedia is to better sources of information what shit is to proper nutrition.
Once again, Andy tries to dismiss reality by calling it too liberal. And when he's complaining that papers are written at a seventh-grade level (a canard; journalists are actually taught just to explain stuff in the simplest manner that's still accurate) I suspect he's really griping that they're over his head.
"I get my information from Conservapedia"
So, what you're saying is that you get your information from something you've created...Meaning you really are just pulling stuff out of your ass.
So... you get your information from a website that you run. So basically you get your information from yourself. Or more likely, from pulling it from your ass. And "the internet at large?" That gives a whole new meaning to "I know it's true because I read it on the internet."
And pot/kettle/black about being written at the 7th grade level. Though 7th grade might be a bit advanced for Conservapedia.
I also find it endlessly funny how paranoid right-wingers are about "liberal sources of information" or anything liberal in general.
I don't know why the general dislike of the Net (or Youtube for that matter) It's all about picking and choosing. To me the internet is fairly reliable after you realize where to look.
Schlafly's looking at Right-wing political, Right-wing Christian sites and teabagger blogs for his 'information' though.
Places the rest of the world goes when we feel like a good laugh or explanation of where stupid begins
"newspapers are the most liberal source of information possible, and are written at about the 7th grade level."
The Sun, News of the World, Sunday Sport and Daily Fail, certainly. As is your Conservapoodia, Andy Schaftafly.
I get my news from superior sources: The Independent, The Guardian, BBC News, and Reuters.
Superior information for the superior intellect.
Congratulations to the brave miners who venture into the abyss of conservapedia to return with these gems.
Just one point, which to my mind is more than a mere quibble- the quote continued: "... from the best of the public (conferences, emails, students), from court opinions, and from various other sources too numerous to list here"
His including conservapedia and the internet makes it a side-splitting joke, but our excluding the rest of his sentence (which he does finish with a period) makes us look as bad as quote-mining Fundies.
In retrospect, I should have either included the rest of the sentence or ended it with ellipsis. I ended it there mostly for the comedic effect (however maybe including the fact that he gets his information also from emails and students would have made it better).
In my mind this isn't really comparable to quote-mining since it didn't really change his meaning. Apologies nonetheless. I will attempt to do better in the future.
What's weird is that if you change the sentences round a bit, it makes sense:
"I get my information from Conservapedia, and the internet at large. I hope you get your information from better sources."
More than 20% of adults read at or below a fifth grade level -- far below the level needed to earn a living wage. The National Adult Literacy Survey found that over 40 million Americans age 16 and older have significant literacy needs.
According to new statistics released last week by the US Education Department, more than 1 in 7 American adults lack the most basic skills in understanding written language and basic mathematic calculus. That is to say, well over 14 percent of already-employed individuals in the US cannot even read the newspaper, or prospects on a bottle of pills.
In the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) assessment, 1994-98:
The average composite literacy score of native-born adults in the U.S. was 284 (Level 3); the U.S. ranked 10th out of 17 high-income countries.
@ Canadiest
I don't know why the general dislike of the Net (or Youtube for that matter) It's all about picking and choosing. To me the internet is fairly reliable after you realize where to look.
I agree completely with your statement. There are some very good videos on Youtube. Especially educational things where watching someone perform a skill is easier than say watching them live (where you can't back them up and rewatch) or reading pages and pages of their explanation.
Andy, you libtard!
*I* get my information from the Bible, and don't read no more sources that this: politics, local news, travel suggestions, shopping guides, gossip, TV guides, etc.
It's a fantastic guide! And very complete too. Internet is for libtards.
"newspapers are ... ... written at about the 7th grade level"
I'll agree with that, but conservapedia is written at the homeschool level, so you still fail.
so the internet, and then especially conservapedia, (circular logic ahoy!) are exceptionally credible? I bet you would put all your trust in the papers if there would be one article matching your argument and immediately scream that everything on the internet is a lie when it doesn't support your cause.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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