But the school we're talking about here is a normal school for hetero kids to learn real stuff, it's not a school for freaks to learn how to diddle each others clits.
sexual activities don't define a homosexual's personality - they're regular people who do everything a straight person would or wouldn't do except for their preference in a partner.
you're just making crap up then believing your own crap instead of actually researching what you're ranting about.
So according to Dutch, clit diddling is for freaks.
Why do I think Dutch doesn't have much experience with clits at all, or believe they matter?
Show me a "normal" school where you learn "real" stuff and I'll agree. Especially highschool, which I *think* this was. You don't learn anything in high school BUT sex and music your parents don't like and occasionally booze. At least, that seems to be the agenda I remember from HS.
Well the good news is, nobody teaches Advanced Lesbianology since the sex scandal forced the last teacher of that subject to retire.
So, ... Just give everybody their education like a civil person.
All public schools are for all kids, period. Not just straight kids. And, as long they aren't having sex in class, who they have sex with is definitely not an issue of concern to the faculty (unless, of course, they are having sex with a faculty member...then it might be worth noting).
DIAF, please.
But the school we're talking about here is a normal school for hetero kids to learn real stuff, it's not a school for freaks to learn how to diddle each others clits.
But you seem to think it's a school for the Principal to oogle at underaged girls breasts...
How can they defend that guy??
Yeah, I can see where she was fingering herself and another female in class on the teacher's desk....not
this is why god is seperate from state, because stupid shit like this happens because you go on a morality power trip
I'm a gay. and I graduated in one of the highest percentiles in my school. I worked hard, while having fuck all of a time with lots of other emotional stuff outside of school.
And you say that I shouldn't have been allowed to have my education because of my sexual orientation?
Bite me.
Really, you can't mix gay and straight kids in schools. It's not fair to the hetero girls to have to sit there all day learning how to diddle clits. They should be learning the real stuff hetero kids learn, which by this mode of thinking would be jerking off cocks. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go send off my CV to a Japanese girl's school.
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