mbrens #fundie hannity.com

I'v read the "communist manifesto", don't want no part of no communism, and no part of no socialism. Thank you very much. Jesus wasn't poor, and the "Rich Young Ruler" wasn't told to give all his money to the poor. He was told to, "sell all you have, give to the poor, and follow me". Meaning to sell it all, you will be traveling with Me, and will have no need of having your money here. He also meant that when any money was drawn out, or made, the people were to give to the poor. We, the church have missed that. Christians are suppose to support the orphans and the widows, but we don't, we let the gubment do that. Many leftists/socialists want to make it sound like Jesus was a socialist, however, He wasn't He was a capitalist. The first thing He did with His first Diciples, was to tell them to follow Him and work".



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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