
djzim23 #fundie hannity.com

If evolution is so true...why have we not witnessed a change in species? Have you mysteriously witnessed a monkey become a man? Even close to a man? Or have all the monkeys stayed monkeys, and all the people stayed people? I'm waiting for a great white shark to get lungs, grow legs and start walking around on land. Have we witnessed that? I'm throwing out all the complexity out of it, because if you keep it, its just not possible. But assuming its actually easy to mutate and evolve, why doesn't it happen and new species are created? And not just all the good, working, functional species. Where are all the deformed ones that died off. "Survival of the fittest". I haven't been seeing unfit either. I haven't seen a monkey with eyes on its back. Or some new organ in the completely wrong place, not functioning properly.

New Orleans Lady #fundie #homophobia hannity.com

In your America we should be *free* to indulge in sinful homosexual acts while criminalizing those who so dare to use "hate speech" (such as acknowledging the act as being sinful)... YET, we are not *free* to smoke a cigarette or eat "junk food" without being discriminated against by liberals who believe they can just "sin tax" what they deem worthy of the label.

Think of the money that could be generated by imposing sin taxes on homosexuals????!!!?? Damn, we could actually repeal the federal gas tax!

What the hell???

How exactly do libs get away with discriminating against those who indulge in acts that they deem "sinful" by imposing so-called "sin taxes" on them?? WHO made them judge and jury? And more importantly, why not impose sin taxes on homosexuals too?

If you want to justify sin taxes on junk food and cigarettes due to health care costs... be sure to calculate how much money has been spent on STDs, AIDS/HIV, etc., by the tax payers.

DiveCon #fundie hannity.com

[In my opinion, religious people don't want a theocracy, they just don't want to see God removed from the history of America.

They don't want to see our currency changed, holidays changed, etc.

They don't see a problem with introducing alternatives to the theory of evolution.]

they fear christians, they fear it not because they REALLY believe christians want a theocracy, but because christians remind them of how lost they are ::Winking Smiley::

HawkeyeLonewolf #fundie hannity.com

And this goes along with the end of the USA thread.

LOTR actually promotes GOOD vs. EVIL. Not a specific religion.

Harry Pothead promotes EVIL vs EVIL... and the religion of witchcraft -- even using some real people as characters.

But because idiot parents let their idiot kids read them because "at least it gets them to read" crap, we have to suffer through the hypocracy. Toss the kid a Playboy and I'll be he'll read too.

wayne230 #fundie hannity.com

[Or that a human was ever a seman and an egg ... neither of which look anymore human then a lobster.]

Have you seen a lobser? I look nothing like a lobster. As far as I know I wasn't an egg. I don't believe human beings lay eggs do they?

wayne230 #fundie hannity.com

The only people who are discreding science are the evolutionists. Evil is what we call the worldview that accomines evolution. Evil is what we call a theory that is based on atheism.

spinach #fundie hannity.com

No I am correct.
there is one Lord, and Christ is not divided.
the liberals do not live as the apostles live, and they outright support things that the Word condemns.

I fail to see any way whatsoever that a person who is a TRUE CHRISTIAN would have any liberal ideology. I fail to see any scripture that supports liberal positions, for that matter.

it pretty much makes and ironclad case.

flores_in_texas and Joeybear #fundie hannity.com

The Jews persecuted Jesus 2,000 years ago. It may not be a stretch to say some still feel the same about Him today.

[Christians have persecuted Jews for the last 2,000 years (give or take). It may not be a stretch to say that some still feel the same way about them.]

Not one single disciple of Christ persecutes Jews.

Thank You Troops #fundie hannity.com

What is it with young earth scientists that gets everyone riled up so? What are people afraid of? It's just science like I thought people liked and put their faith in. If it is wrong then it will be corrected like people say all science corrects itself. The people that did the reasearch are real scientists, with real degrees. Why make it a person attack? The evidence speaks for itself.

tracifish #fundie hannity.com

As a YEC, I do not know where to put the ice-age....is it possible to have an ice-age...but not a world-wide ice-age?

I'm voting "yes" for localized ice-ages. If enough people vote "yes"....then, that's how it happened, right?

What is the proof that we ever had an ice-age, anyway? I'm trying to figure this out because it keeps bothering me.

Crusader Frank #fundie hannity.com

1. Why haven't alligators evolved thumbs?

2. "Random mutation" so if my Ranch style house gets hit by an asteroid, there's a good chance that it will be mutated into an English Tudor, right?

Evolution is like listening to a wall describe a fresh coat of paint.

Sun #fundie hannity.com

Darwin convinced other scientists of evolution by saying that the body was made of one cell, and now we know the body is made of trillions of cells.

So now some try to explain that away by sahing the TRILLIONS of cells came from one cell.

WhiteHatBobby #fundie hannity.com

Representative Dan Lundgren (R-CA), the former Attorney General, had one of the best lines I've heard in the House, even though John Conyers silenced him.

Mr. Lundgren opposed HR 1592, the "hate crimes" bill, which gives homosexuals special protection and punishes Christians, and came to the point of calling it by its real intent:

"The (North American Man-Boy Love Association) Protection Act."

Protecting criminals and pedophiles, while punishing Christians. Our state's schools, thanks to the idiots in the student pile, endorse pedophiles working in our schools, but Christians are to be banned. Go figure.

mbrens #fundie hannity.com

I think homosexuals should start "day care and baby sitting companies". The people who love the idea of their always being protected from others who don't want them around them, should have their wish. Those who do want them around their kids, should get in line first to hire them. It works for me.

[Are you SERIOUSLY concerned that you or your kids might catch teh gay?]

Oh no, my friend, my kids won't be left alone wih any gays, to catch anything.

Carico #fundie hannity.com

isit the numerous atheist forums all over the web to see just which religion is the most chastized.

In addition, no one curses Buddha Allah, Krishna, etc. but most people curse Christ. You can hear Christ's name taken in vain all over television, movies and on every street corner.

Also, no one in America is kept from worshiping in a synagogue, mosque, Bahai or Buddhist temple. No sayings of Consucius, Buddha are ever taken off the walls of government officials. No Muslim is kept from prayer in the schools but Christians are. So you are very much in error, friend.

wayne230 #fundie hannity.com

Nobody who insults a brother in Christ can belong to him as far as I am concerned. I don't expect agreement, but I do expect respect. Thats something I haven't seen much from you.

[You are invited to back that charge up - but you won't be able to do it - and thus you continue to bear false witness against me by accusing me of things i haven't done.]

You sound more like a secularist than any kind of a believer. The atheists are always demanding proof and never accept any proof that is offered. An atheist accuses a believer of being a false witness. A brother in Christ won't do that.

[you've lied continually. you've lied in this post. you've lied even after proof has been given to you that you have lied. frankly i don't know when to believe you.]

You show me that you are no follower of Christ. A fellow Christian would never accuse a brother in the Lord of lying.

wayne230 #fundie hannity.com

Why don't you believe if we aren't being persecuted? It makes no sense to me that you don't follow Christ if we have life so easy. Apparently your faith depends on how easy your own life is.

JFKLiberal #fundie hannity.com

[In response to a post saying Christians aren't being persecuted, but they have a sense of entitlement on certain things and those are starting to be denied.]

It is not a sense of entitlement being violated when people get fired from their jobs because they have a copy of a Bible on their desk.

It is not a sense of entitlement being violated when they are told that they cannot wish people 'Merry Christmas' during that holiday, and no similar prohibition is made regarding HAnuka, Ramadan or Kwanza or any other faith's holiday; just Christianities.

It is not a sense of entitlement being violated when they have their kids in school doing a 'Winter Festival' series of plays (that used to be called a 'Christmas Pageant') and the songs sung mention all kinds of holidays and religious people but not one song mentions Christmas or Jesus.

It is not a sense of entitlement being violated when they are passed over for promotion because they will not participate in PC activities that go against their beliefs, or even harrassed into leaving because they would not sign a homosexual equal rights statement.

Free_Thinker #fundie hannity.com

[Are Christians being persecuted?]

Yes. There is a real effort to remove Christian traditions in the name of separation of church and state. The 1st amendment is being falsely interpreted.

Drug use, abortion, embyonic stem-cell research, pornography, fornication, R-rated movies, unconventional family units, unconventional adoption practices, and homosexuality lead the causes behind much of this persecution.

wayne230 #fundie hannity.com

There is no science in evolution but plenty of religion. At least thats what I have seen in the posts of the pro evos.
Let me give you some advice here: Before you say that no Christian is persecuted at all I suggest you become one yourself and see for yourself if we are persecuted or not.Otherwise you need to stop lecturing us about persecution.

spinach #fundie hannity.com

People are crazy.
IT makes no sense to delve into their problems and to try to help them with them. It won't work. They simply will not accept good advice, nor will they make any effort to think rationally, once they are down the path of turmoil.

Thank GOD that Jesus is above that.
Thank GOD that He is the answer to crazy people, and the ANSWER that crazy people need to go to.

angryamerican #fundie hannity.com

[responding to a post about how denying any child the right to a loving home is cruel--even if that home has homosexuals in it]

Bigotry ok.

How come people like you always use that word with someone that don't agree with you?

It's not a normal behavior but you insist it is.

There is nothing natural about it and you suggest it is.

You don't seem to care about values.

You don't seem to care that it isn't legal.

But yet you insist that i'm the bigot.

Sorry but you and people that think like you are warped in your thinking.

Harmonious #fundie hannity.com

I've heard rumors that both the Messianic candidate from Joseph and the Messianic candidate from King David are alive and running around Israel. They are not revealed to the masses yet, as they are not in positions to actually do the Messiah's work - yet.

But they are alive and well, and ready for work.


I hear that they are only 25, so they have a lot to learn. When they are ready, I'm ready to see them in operation.

angryamerican #fundie hannity.com

[speaking of things Jesus supposedly did--one member asked for proof outside the bible]

But it has been documented by others not just the bible.

[member responds: Sources please.]

I already produced some evidence.

But mainly i would except[sic] the witnesses that wrote the bible.

RobertSummersMD #fundie hannity.com

You're absolutely right. I'm sick of the PC police who refuse to accept the facts.

The homosexuals in this country hae been shoving homosexualism down our throat for the past 30 years. I for one am sick of it. When I was in medical school, a doctor could refuse a *** treatment or even mistreat him on purpose and not receive any rebuke.

Nowdays, of course, you can still do it, but if you ever mention it to anyone, you'll be called a bigot. Sorry buddy, I just have morals.

rhet 2 #fundie hannity.com

we have this giant God-provided bathtub where He scrubs off the stink -- so we have a solution for our stinky human selves -- eventually. When He's done scrubbing. Sometimes that takes a while though.

wayne230 #fundie hannity.com

What distubs us Christians is that liberalism seems to be pushing moral relativism and to me that is Satanic. We who follow Christ believe in absolutes and because we believe in absolutes we are called homophobic. Just because we oppose what is wrong. We have to take a stand on what the Bible calls sin. Liberalism seems to have gotten very antagonistic toward Chirstianity, especially if you look at what people like the ACLU and the people against the American Way have done to eliminate any Christian display from public. There is nothing in either separation of church and state or the constitution that forbids that. We are America and have freedom of religion for a reason. I understand that not all liberals believe in moral relativism, but I wish they would speak out more.

mbrens #fundie hannity.com

I'v read the "communist manifesto", don't want no part of no communism, and no part of no socialism. Thank you very much. Jesus wasn't poor, and the "Rich Young Ruler" wasn't told to give all his money to the poor. He was told to, "sell all you have, give to the poor, and follow me". Meaning to sell it all, you will be traveling with Me, and will have no need of having your money here. He also meant that when any money was drawn out, or made, the people were to give to the poor. We, the church have missed that. Christians are suppose to support the orphans and the widows, but we don't, we let the gubment do that. Many leftists/socialists want to make it sound like Jesus was a socialist, however, He wasn't He was a capitalist. The first thing He did with His first Diciples, was to tell them to follow Him and work".

tracifish #fundie hannity.com

[That compulsion to bash the beliefs of others because one is insecure in one's own beliefs has got to have a name.]

I've heard it can be called "faithist"....and it can be referred to an atheist that hates people of faith.

Gidon #fundie hannity.com

(In response to someone pointing out that the U.S. isn't a theocracy.)

you want a gayocracy



10thAmendment #fundie hannity.com

evolution "scientists" actually have the overwhelming task of digging up the whole earth before they can begin formulating their final conclusions about their evolution hypotheses based on the COMPLETE archaeological and geological records. Otherwise, evolution "scientists" seem to think that they have the license to revise evolution "laws" every time the dog unexpectedly digs up a strange fossile. Such mentality shows that evolution "science" was born in Hollywood.

The truth of the matter is that evolution "scientists" long ago figured out that the only way that they could push their evolution fantasies on everybody was to put on their lawyer's hats and try to sell the "jury," that's you and me, on their tunnel-vision interpretation of inconclusive evolution evidence by means of slick-talking courtroom rhetoric.

The bottom line is that evolution is a mixture of scientific statistics and imagination. In other words, evolution remains nothing more than a convincing form of science fiction.

gdoane #fundie hannity.com

[If you believe the kid killed himself intentionally I can agree with you, but often times kids mimic what they see on TV just for fun. Kids think they are invulnerable, just like Superman. They do not appreciate dangerous things and activities like we do.]

If this kid had been raised right, he would know he's no immortal.

If this kid had been raised right, he would have been supervised.

If this kid had been raised right, he wouldn't have seen a snuff flick on TV.

There is no getting around it, that kid was unsupervised and left to die by people who didn't care a rat's rear end about him.

Now they say they're trying to raise money to send the kid back to Guatemala. I don't even believe that, they didn't need to raise any cash to get the kid to America from any stupid Guatemala so why are they raising money for sending the body back?

They're illegals. They'd do anything for money. They're lying through their teeth and they're just going to pocket the money while they toss the kid's body in a wood chipper. These are not honest people, they're not even living in the USA legally and they're trying to capitalize on the death of their little anchor baby.

It ain't bad enough that they wouldn't even care for the kid while he was alive, now they want everybody else to care for the kid when he's dead so they don't even have to pay for the burial themselves. They can't possibly have a decent bone in their bodies asking other people to care for the kid they neglected to death. They suck. They really need to go to prison.