Evolution is not science—science must be TESTABLE and OBSERVABLE, and no one has ever been able to observe one species turning into another, over any period of time. Creation science IS true science because we have a living document, the Bible, whose existence can be proven (surely you've seen a Bible!) and whose veracity is corroborated by millenia worth of archaeological evidence.
Let me put it in terms you can understand. I'm not a fan of baseball, but my parents used to go to games all the time when my mother was pregnant with me. Beer is often served at baseball games—does this mean that beer is a sport? Likewise, evolution is often "served with" science, but that doesn't make it science.
Remove your naturalist blinders and take a gander at the facts.
"Remove your naturalist blinders and take a gander at the facts."
Such a position is referred to as supernaturalism , virginia, and by definition there are NO supernatural facts, only natural ones, which is why dumb cunts like you can't cough up proof for things like, oh say, rabbis who magically reanimate after death.
Let me put it in terms you can understand.
Anecdotes of events are not observable or testable, and are thus useless. Mythical events never happened outside the imaginations of mythmakers. Proleptic events mean absolutely nothing, because they have not happened, and will not happen.
Remove your head from your ass and take a gander at the facts.
"Remove your naturalist blinders and take a gander at the facts."
Errr, sure, ok. I think we have been already, but we'll continue to do so while you make batshittingly insane analogies.
They are simply incapable of grasping the concept of long periods of time, yet they're hot for eternity. And if the Bible is proof of creation science, then The Origin of Species is proof of evolution.
The dumb fundie is accidentaly right about one thing... Evolution itself is not science.
Evolution is a process, A testable and observable PROCESS .
However that is the only thing the fundie is right about. The rest is pure idiocy.
Hey Ginnie!
Beer, if properly drunk, can - indeed - be a sport. Oktoberfest started yesterday in Muenchen. Figure it out.
Stupid, however, is the antithesis of a sport. It just lies there, soaking up everything and, well, remains stupid.
WIth blinders off...
There are so many logical falacies in this reputed human being's thought processes that I'm concerned Ms. Templeton is going to inadvertantly harm herself.
The existence of the Bible is proof...of the existence of a book titled "Bible." That's all it's "proof" of. By your logic, 3-armed, 2-headed Presidents of the Galaxy exist, as do talking dinosaurs, teenage English wizards, and intelligent members of the Reform Party.
Wait, your book is -alive-? Maybe that's what's wrong with most bibles, they've not been properly fed and cared for. Please, enlighten us on how to care for our pet books, so that they might speak to us! [/sarcasm]
What does that bit about baseball and beer mean? I... just... you know, never mind, I'm not sure I want to know.
This is unique, a person claiming that the Bible is living(which of the 41 currently published translations would that be) and is corroborated by ???? Sorry the only mentions of Jesus Christ, your main Biblical character outside the Bible, would be a minor mention as the brother of Joseph in Josephus(that is probably real) and a bizarre mention as the Messiah in the same book that is undeniably false and a later addition(seeing as how Josephus describes himself as a heretical Jew who did not believe in a Messiah). Nothing else is corroborated. Please don't waste my time telling me that the existence of cities and people mentioned in the Bible proves it's true, that's nonsense. "Gone With the Wind" contains historical figures and places and it is a work of fiction. Your Bible is no more valid than any other UNPROVEN religious book.
I've never observed a dead person rise from the dead, water turned to wine, a fortress destroyed by trumpets, the sun stand still in the sky, 40 days of rain that flooded the whole earth, or a person created out of dust. Nor have I ever witnessed or heard of an amputee being cured by a supernatural miracle.
So tell us again how the Bible is science.
Likewise, evolution is often "served with" science, but that doesn't make it science.
You obviously have no idea what science is.
Fuck off.
Okay, lessee:
-Yes, Virginia, there really is a Darwin Claus. Speciation has been observed, and someone else has provided links to the talk.origins archive.
-Living documents are frequently updated. The Bible is not really living in that sense -- it is often retranslated, but apart from a few disputes over canon that go back centuries, the work itself does not change substantially.
-Biblical archaeology is a sketchy business -- some has been proven, some has not. Silberman and Finkelstein provide one rather radical interpretation that is completely at odds with much of what the Bible says.
-Your analogy does not apply in any meaningful sense, as observed evolution has been the foundation for a great deal of scientific thinking.
-What's wrong with naturalist blinders? If something "supernatural" happened, it would be looked at in the same light as something natural, and would be investigated just as thoroughly as a natural occurence. The fact that such lines of inquiry are seldom followed except by true believers indicates that there isn't much going on in that regard.
Thing being, if you've spent any time on FSTDT, you know this. But you're still being obtuse. I can't help you with that.
<i>Let me put it in terms you can understand. I'm not a fan of baseball, but my parents used to go to games all the time when my mother was pregnant with me. Beer is often served at baseball gamesdoes this mean that beer is a sport? Likewise, evolution is often "served with" science, but that doesn't make it science.</i>
So...you're saying that your mother drank when she was pregnant with you? Make sense to me.
*knocks on your forehead* Hi, I'm from Earth. Ever been there?
One species doesn't TURN into another. And yes, it has been proven by a species birds on an isolated island in the Galapagos. Go pry your brain out of that edited for content 'holy book' and go look it up.
The Bible is never testable or obsservable. It's a book that recopilates religious myths and theology from a concrete part of the Middle East, but that's not science. And the analogy of the beer is ridiculous. That you find one of the elements associated, for whatever reason, with the sport, doesn't mean that is the sport itself. They haven't seen a species turning into another over a period of time because evolution doesn't work that way. What they have found is rests of hominids who are related to us. It's really sad that you attempt to witness us without even bothering to check the facts.
If the Bible were "living", it would be in a three-ring binder and have new pages added every few minutes.
And if you were "knowledgable", you'd keep your mouth shut about sciences you know nothing of.
I've seen a Bible, yeah.
Some choose to use it as a spiritual guide, and that's fine. Really.
But no sane person uses it the way you want it to be used.
Evolution is testable. There are hundreds of things that could disprove evolution if it were false. For example, if we found a unique string of DNA in a human and a bat, but not in a chimp. Or if we found undisturbed rock layers with human fossils buried below the iridium layer. But none of these things have ever been found.
we have a living document, the Bible, whose existence can be proven (surely you've seen a Bible!) and whose veracity is corroborated by millenia worth of archaeological evidence.
Some of the Bible's Jewish history has been proved. But none of it's religious material has been or can be proved by archeology. No one has found Noah's ark or the Garden of Eden or the bush that God spoke to Moses from.
Creation science IS true science because we have a living document, the Bible
A living document? Is that something like the Monster Book of Monsters, Hagrid's textbook of choice for his Care of Magical Creatures lessons? And does that mean that the Bible bites?
So we have to show observable evidence, but all they have to do is whip out the Bible, and they're right?
Moving the goalposts much?
We have observed bacteria turn into nylon-eating bacteria. We have also observed bacteria turn into antibiotic-resistant bacteria. You lose!
"We" meaning "The scientists".
So, the Avada Kedavra curse is also true? Surely you've seen a Harry Potter book?
Worst Analogy Ever award? Evolution is "served with" science just as the Nicene Creed is "served with" Christianity.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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