"Seriously, Dawkins is a smarmy prick and those that emulate that part of him are putting other atheists at risk. Just think about it for a bit."
Oh, I've thought about it and watched many debates available, Dawkins can assert himself with some condemnational force sometimes but he's got nothing on the Creationists arrogant insistance on the Bibles absolute truth and it's special status of being the only unquestionable record. When debating the less close-minded Dawkins doesn't go there.
Maybe you were thinking of Hitchens. He'd go there, and I loved that Atheist debater who'd give no respect to supernatural claims or the intelligence of those that promote such childish, primitive garbage. I just wish he wasn't so cordial when he went against William Laing Craigs bullshit, Maybe Harris will write a book destroying his psychological babble, one can only hope.
In the end, refering to the post, Dawkins quit these debates because of this American habit of ignoring the evidence and always proclaiming the creationist as the winner and the creationist side having NO futher arguments after the first debate.
They all, Hovind, Comfort, Craig, D'Souza and others have the exact same arguments they had years ago and will use PROVEN wrong claims event after event. Often IN THE SAME DEBATE, a stunt I'm sure are designed to piss off the opponent and garner a condesending remark.