The Pill fools a woman’s body into believing it is pregnant, therefore, she doesn’t get pregnant.
The problem is, Estrogen continually streamed into a woman’s bloodstream is an unnatural state for the human body.
I happen to believe (but can’t prove, of course) that it creates an excessive “feminine” environment in the uterus — THIS may well be why we have so many male children who are effeminate, and later claim to be gay.
It's like it's supposed to end on that note leaving you shaking in your boots about 'THA GAYZ!', When in reality, even were this an actual thing, there'd be no reason to care.
I happen to believe (but can’t prove, of course) that it creates an excessive “feminine” environment in the uterus THIS may well be why we have so many male children who are effeminate, and later claim to be gay.
"Life's tough.
It's even tougher when you're stupid."
~John Wayne
Citation needed.
Very probable.
Citation needed.
"it creates an excessive “feminine” environment in the uterus THIS may well be why we have so many male children who are effeminate, and later claim to be gay."
Why are there still lesbians then? Shouldn't all women be ultra straight feminine girly girls now?
It all makes sense now! The pill floods the uterus with female hormones to stop her from becoming pregnant, so when she gives birth to those babies she's not pregnant with, they're gay!
Wait, that makes no sense at all.
I happen to believe (but can’t prove, of course) that "America, the Beautiful" is a woefully ignorant homophobe.
Oh, wait ... I CAN prove it after all, just by submitting his/her/its quote into evidence.
The stupid! It burns!
Estrogen continually streamed into a woman's bloodstream IS the natural state of the human body. That's why women get menopause symptoms when it stops you dipshit!
And besides, the pill doesn't emulate estrogen. It emulates progesterone. Yeah, I'm gonna take medical advice from someone who can't even tell them apart.
Estrogen is present in both men and women, it is just in higher amounts in women.
For the sake of argument, let's assume you are correct that higher estrogen levels in women cause them to have "effeminate" boys. How then, do you explain "masculine" women?
Oh, you can't? Then your whole premise is invalid.
"I happen to believe (but can’t prove, of course)..."
- One of these days you're going to have to learn just how much of a problem that is
"I happen to believe (but can’t prove, of course)..."
Nothing exceptional about that, it's the modus operandi of every theist.
There's nothing like a bit of the old home spun science theory.
How would birth control pills affect pregnant women, who, almost by definition, are not taking birth control pills?
BTW, gay=/=effeminate.
I see, so gay people are made when a woman who is takin the pill gives birth to...oh...hang on...
Now apart from the utter idiocy of this statement, where was this intended to go? Abolish the pill? Abolish the uterus perhaps so that babies come out of the more masculine area of anus? There is a reason why the uterus could be considered a feminine environment, but I bet this retard can't figure it out.
Gay people have always existed, you fuckwit. They just weren't open about it. As for effeminate behavior, I think that's more of a cultural thing with them than anything else. I'm just speculating, but maybe they identify more with women as children due to their latent sexual desires.
And where on earth do Lesbians enter into this equation?
So, when women are NOT getting pregnant, due to a lot of estrogen flowing through their bodies, they have so many male children who are effeminate? Are you sure you thought this thing through thoroughly enough, dearie?
Claim to be gay? Do you have any evidence that they are not gay?
Effeminate? Yeah, just look at that sissy Ian McKellen...
Given the fact that we live ever farther away from a hunter and gatherer society, maybe less male attributes might just be the thing we need.
That still leaves you without any clue how hormones work.
"I happen to believe (but can’t prove, of course) that it creates an excessive “feminine” environment in the uterus."
Well, climb in and have a look! If you see pastels and doilies everywhere, and some frilly curtains, then maybe I'd think you were on to something.
Wait, did I say, "on to something?" I meant, "on something."
"I happen to believe (but can’t prove, of course)
Don't worry. We'll just take your word for it.
Why do the words "audience thick as planks" spring to mind?
Ignoring the fact that women who are on the pill don't usually give birth (not being able to get pregnant)...
That doesn't explain masculine gay men, nor lesbians of any variety.
So much for your made-up pseudoscience, eh?
"The problem is, Estrogen continually streamed into a woman’s bloodstream is an unnatural state for the human body."
I'd like to see the OP try telling that to all those assholes in the Quiverfull movement.
While there is some shaky proof that the more older brothers a guy has he's more likely to be gay, it's not exactly rock solid. The pill has nothing to do with it because it actually prevents pregnancies...dumbass.
Now, in regard to the female side of it- lesbians are apparently more likely to have polycystic ovarian syndrome. One of the side affects from that is (slightly) increased male hormone production. So, yeah. People are kinda sorta BORN THAT WAY.
It's no wonder you can't prove it. In the first line, you said that the pill makes the body believe the woman is pregnant but she's not so, where do all those boys who are effeminate come from?. And following your logic, where do straight men come from, for that matter?. If every time a woman gets pregnant the strogens remain, there should be gay men all around.
Prior to the invention of contraceptives,pregnancy was the normal state for women of reproductive age, therefore nothing very unnatural about the contraceptive pill as it mimics a normal state.
Furthermore I think you are confusing the actions of progesterone and oestrogen
(You can tell I'm British by the spelling.)
“…that it creates an excessive “feminine” environment in the uterus…why we have so many male children who are effeminate”
Um… Okay. You know they don’t take the Pill while they’re pregnant, right?
And they don’t take the Pill when they plan to BECOME pregnant. Takes a while for the effects to wash out, as it were.
If they didn’t wash out, you wouldn’t to take the Pill every day.
ANd still trying to imagine how you’d measure a UTERUS being OVERLY FEMININE.
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