muslconstruction #fundie

I bought a Bible for 99 cents at a "Marcs" discount store. The bible says that there is a devil who will tempt you into partaking in things that wiill kill you while decieivng you into thinking what you are doing is "oh so sophisticated". Just look at the healthy people. Read the slogans, the cigartettes "TASTE FRESH" blah, blah, blah. It's obvious that smoking is a sin glamorized by Jews like Louie B. Mayer, filling the coffers of Big Tobacco, blah blah. The Bible that I paid less than a fdollar for says that the wages of sin is death. Go to the hospitals and see all the women who were promiscuous dying of vaginal cancers. See all the promiscuous homosexuals dying of aids. The smokers on trach tubes dying of throat and lung cancers, the iv drug users whose heart valves were ruined blah, blah, blah. The fact is that sin and death are promoted in an evil world, and the truths of the bible are hidden. Of course smoking kills you.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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