Carico #fundie

Since God has to be invisible to be eternal, then in order for him to show his existence, he does this through supernatural miracles. But because of the sin of pride, people who want to reject him have only 2 ways of doing so: either try to explain away the miracles or deny they happened.

Atheists use the first way of denying God by trying to explain away the miracle of life through "natural" explanations. But what they don't realize is that everything that is natural was created by God. But since they deny that, then they end up using God's creation to try to explain away God's creation. And the other ways of trying to explain away God's existence aren't natural such as the claim that monkeys can breed human descendants.

So since man rejected God, God sent more proof if his existence through Christ's miracles. Since they can't explain away Christ's miracles through "natural" means, then they use the second method which is simply denying they happened. This is is no different than a criminal defendant who is surrounded by evidence of his guilt simply saying that "the evidence is not there."

Well that doesn't fool anyone but the defendant. So since denial is not proof of anything, then atheists don't have a case. It's not therefore the lack of evidence which is the reason they don't believe, it's hardened hearts that go to even more irrational extremes to deny God such as claiming that apes can breed human descendants and the evidence for God is well...just not there.

Sorry atheists but denying evidence is actually admitting that there is evidence because one cannot deny something that isn't there to begin with. So all your arguments actually prove our case, not yours.



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