This is my response on that site to this particular bag of shit:
Not their mother...
I couldn't even get past the first line of this comment without feeling the need to vomit. An adoptive parent is a parent to that child, regardless of what you may think. "Adoption is the rape of the soul" is a sick way to think. What adoption is, is the bringing together of a loving family who desperately wants a child, and a child in need of that loving family. And no, I'm not speaking from the point of view of an adoptive mother. I am speaking from the point of view of a mother who almost nine years ago now gave a beautiful little boy to just such a loving family. It was the most heartbreaking thing I have ever done, and the most beautiful. Yes, another woman tucks my son in at night. She kisses his boo boos, helps him with his homework, and she IS his mother, and I am his birthmother, and nothing will change that. If the chance were given to me tomorrow to take him back from that family, I would rather die than do such a thing to him. His mother is the woman he's grown up with, and I or anyone else have no right to deny them that in any way.
This isn't even addressing the children lost in the system, the ones who's parents care more for themselves than the children they produce, or the children of parents who have died. If adoption is so wrong, are these children to live out their lives in abandonment, rather than being allowed to go to the loving arms that would gladly welcome them? You are willing and able to raise your own children. Well goodie for you, you can pick up your cookie on the way out and pat yourself on the back, but don't you dare speak ill of those who have enough love in their hearts not to care who's loins THEIR children came from.
Adoption takes two kinds of extrordinary people. Those who love their children enough to give them the best lives possible, even if it means handing them over to someone else to raise, and those who are willing to raise the children of another with as much love, and as much devotion as if that child had come from their own bodies. Obviously, you are neither of these extraordinary types of people.
Submitted by Equalist on December 17, 2008 - 6:34pm.
Followed by her response back to me:
Not only are TOTALLY IGNORANT TO WHAT YOUR SON IS SUFFERING RIGHT NOW. YOU ARE BURYING YOUR HEAD DEEPER IN THE SAND LIKE THE PROVERBIAL OSTRICH.And you have been drawn HOOK LINE AND SINKER,by the ADOPTION MACHINARY PROPAGANDA,you have all the terminology and all the hallmarks. While your little son is at the second stage of adoption trauma,fast approaching the tsunami trauma the teen years, there are three traumas he will suffer, then fracture of his psyche, finally fragmentation of his psyche, and you will be beside yourself with unconsoliable grief,and he will to, if you ever have a reunion, his question to you will be, with all the knowledge available to you,at the time of my adoption, about how my psychological development would be so badly seared by adoption seperation grief and loss, how I missed YOU all my life, although I had adopters that nurtured me, YOU WERE THE MOTHER GOD CHOSE, and I was the fruit of your womb, therefore in the eyes of God, YOU ARE THE NATURAL MOTHER OF YOUR SON, he is adopted into a host family, that will love and care for him and nurture him, but THE FACT REMAINS, YOU ARE HIS MOTHER TILL THE LAST BREATH LEAVES YOUR BODY, and you must do all in your power to prepare yourself for that day, I suggest you educate yourself by logging onto ADOPTEES TELLING IT AS IT IS,AND HOW ADOPTION IMPACTED ALL THEIR (Harpist)there you will read the true outcome of adoption and the impact on this brilliant young mans life dayin and dayout, you must take time to read every thread he has written.Finally to help you on your journey of educating yourself I suggest you log onto and you will hear on these sights from mothers and their seperated children.and finally
Submitted by Anonymous on December 18, 2008 - 12:55pm.