The fact that mankind's languages are vanishing from civilization at any alarming rate is proof that evolution is a lie. If evolution were true, then the process by which mankind has obtained 7,000 languages would be continuing today. Has the evolutionary process ceased? According to the Bible it never happened in the first place. One would have to be a fool to follow the nonsense of evolution. Hey, if the Big Bang Theory is true, then why was there only one? Why not two or three big bangs, or a thousand? It's amazing to me how people continually place God and the Bible on trial; yet unquestioningly accept the illogical theories of evolution. This just shows their wicked heart of unbelief in the Word of God.
I got news for you, Dave. I don't accept what you think evolution is, either. Good thing the real theory of evolution is nothing like what you claim it to be.
About the language thing, do you know the difference is between a language and a dialect? Distinct dialects call themselves the same common language. Take the southern US drawl, and compare it with the Queen's English. They could be separate languages but at least for the here and now, they're both dialects of English. But the fact that they exist us proof of the evolution of the language.
And how do you know there's only been one Big Bang? I can't speak for anyone else but I don't know that for a fact.
Languages: You forget to include the information theory and globalization. At the beginning of the ancient times and the middle ages because of distances languages evolved from other languages and into small dialects. Today, thanks to multiple communication methods and faster travel languages are dying out most of all those of formally isolated peoples. Those languages that have enough non-isolated speakers tend to become simpler, they tend to reduce grammatical complexity towards contextual complexity.
BBT: Many believe there have been multiple Big Bangs, though as they aren't as completely retarded as you are, they don't believe they happend in the same universe.
Hey, if creation is true, then why was there only one? Why not two or three creations, or a thousand?
If you ever take advantage of modern medicine, you're a hypocrite. If you say "evolution is a lie", you don't EVER get to take advantage of modern antibiotics or medicine. Modern medicine is based on these "illogical theories", so, none for you.
Modern transportation and communication are the reason languages are dying out. However accents continue to grow and change. In the US for example the accent of Inland North is new within the last 50 yrs and is spoken by over 30 million people.
As far as mutiple big bangs a.k.a. multiple universes quantum mechanics would like a word with you.
Well, to use a language that didn't exist 200 years ago:
David he smol-smol fella bilong smolhous, hegat no save atall.
" If evolution were true, then the process by which mankind has obtained 7,000 languages would be continuing today."
except the evolutionary process is removing langauges, so christianity is defeated once again!
Languages developed and diverged due to distance and isolation. Technology is rapidly eliminating all forms of isolation and rendering distance irrelevant, so languages are merging.
See? THAT'S "logic." Not whatever that is you were attempting.
Language is kind of a strange thing. On the one hand, it evolves remarkably similarly in many ways to creatures. On the other hand, it's also still quite a bit different. For one thing, you can have people that know multiple languages, you can't have a single creature be multiple species. Also, you can steal words from other languages, creatures usually can't steal genes from other creatures (unless you're playing Spore). That all said, both vary over time and more successful (more used) words get passed on (for example, the number 2 sounds similar in most European languages). Both depend on geographical isolation for diversification. And both experience extinction.
learn how languages change over time , and the impact of othe languages in adjacent populations which interact and you will have your answer.
Since there is far more interaction because of television and radio, with easy long distance transport the small pockets of a language or dialect are disappearing.
One big bang per universe may be a rule, we don't know yet, and maybe we never will.
Organisms, like languages, become extinct as their successors evolve. That is to be expected, as it's ultimately a survival of the fittest, as with evolution only the languages and organisms that thrive will ever perpetuate. That dialects continue to evolve and different regions with the same language have variants (compare Singaporean Chinese, Malaysian Chinese and native Mandarin Chinese, for one.) is proof that evolution is taking place.
Also, who on earth is prosecuting God to start with?
If evolution were true, then the process by which mankind has obtained 7,000 languages would be continuing today.
No it wouldn't. Improvements in human mobility, the invention of the printing press, the radio and the Internet all serve to reduce the number of languages by bringing isolated cultures into contact with each other.
Evolution doesn't predict an explosion of species. It predicts the opposite when isolated patches of life are brought into contact with each other. That's why we've seen a drop in marsupial species in Australia as humans introduced placental mammals like rabbits and cats.
"The fact that mankind's languages are vanishing from civilization at any alarming rate is proof that evolution is a lie."
Esperanto. Klingon.
Even your precious KJV is translated into Klingon, Davey-boy.
The film "Apocalypto": Yucatec Mayan . The Passion of the Christ: Aramaic , for fuck's sake! And Spike Milligan once said 'People learn Latin, a dead language, for when they are '.
And what the fuck does Linguistics have to do with Biology, least of all Cosmology, Dave...?!
First, languages are not a mutation or some physical feature that enables us to survive, so it doesn´t count. Second, languages evolve indeed, or outright disappear when a more powerful language substitutes it as a tool for communication which reafirms, if any, the theory of evolution, not the other way round. And I bet that you only speak English, am I right?
"The fact that mankind's languages are vanishing from civilization at any alarming rate is proof that evolution is a lie."
Funny. Except, in evolutionary theory, isolation is a key to diversity. Just like when pockets of people are isolated, they develop different languages, even if from a common ancestral language.
With the globabl world shrinking, everyone that has the same internet, watches the same TV networks, they're going to have less isolation, less opportunity to be different.
Same way that bigger gene pools spread the same mutations around, while isolated pockets start to resemble ring species.
Looks like language not only doesn't disprove evolution, it's a pretty good analogy...
Language is evolving. And fundies lead the way. For instance, the phrase "Bible God is a genocidal maniac" now means "Bible God is made of pure love and I like to kiss His arse".
Another example, provided by your good self, "This just shows their wicked heart of unbelief in the Word of God." now means "I like sexually abusing underage girls".
"Hey, if the Big Bang Theory is true, then why was there only one?"
Hey guess what, no one ever said there was only one. There could be another in the future as well.
Blue eyes, milk, wisdom teeth, brains shrinking, Tibetans in the Himalayas, the appendix (although some dispute its vestigial status, and disease resistance are all signs that humans are still evolving.
If you are looking for us to develop wings as a sign of evolution than you have a lot to learn.
What the heck does languages have to do with biological diversity? Man has indeed meddled in the evolutionary process and many species have gone extinct because of us. But the evolutionary process is still going on, new species are filling the spaces where the extinct species lived.
The Bible is so vague that it might be interpreted to describe both evolution and the Big Bang. We put religions on trial just as much as we put science on trial, which in both cases is continually. That is what science is, stupid; questioning what you don't understand, rechecking what you think you do understand and never accept the answer "I don't know" or "Goddidit".
TheorIES of evolution? I thought there was one theory of evolution, and that all other ideas are just hypotheses so far.
Please! You can't really be stupid enough to STILL believe it was a Bang? Everyone (sane) knows that it was an expansion and everyone must have been telling you this for years and years. I almost hope it's willful ignorance, because the alternative is severe mental retardation...
Except that languages are human creations. They can form and disappear in the space of a generation, like Namglish, the pidgin used as a means of communication between South Vietnamese and American soldiers. Before the Americans arrived, there was no reason for it to have existed. After the Americans left, it was of no use to Vietnamese or American, so it died.
Many languages disappear because using other languages offers more in the way of status, economic opportunity, means of survival etc.; others survive by adopting foreign influences, using foreign borrowings, developing their own written standard and so on. The very fact that the English of the King James Bible you use is not the English of the bar and the shopping mall and wasn't the language of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle should tell you something about the capacity of languages to, er, evolve.
@Cloning Blues: it's only one of many thigns Davey-boy doesn't understand right along with biology, chemistry, physics, history, sociology or where the light in the refrigerator goes when you close the door.
It's all fukken magic, yo.
Jesus man. Did you even attempt any kind of research on any of the topics you brought up? Oh, that's right, the only book that matters to you was written by Stone Age Arabs with heat stroke who were isolated from the rest of the known world.
If there's a God, why is there only one? Why not two or three gods, or a thousand? it's amazing how people continually place the Greeks and Egyptians on trial; yet unquestioningly accept the illogical theories of Judeo-Christian religions.
Tl;Dr The same could be said of all religions.
So when you get sick from the latest super-bug you only get the antibiotics we were using 50 years ago. "evolution is a lie" you said, so the bacteria couldn't have evolved.
What, they aren't working? Sorry, that's all you get. Pray for healing.
We'll keep the latest, greatest antibiotics for those that accept evolution.
I hope David someday has to go to a doctor that learned all of his science from Kent Hovind.
Come to think of it, I hope Kent someday has to go to a doctor that learned all of his science from him.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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