Asc3nd3dMast3r #fundie

Truth does not exist, only the pursuit.

Cern, the ring of Solomon. The ultimate goal is to cast the human soul into man made materials. Machines, computers.. toys ect. The Djinn are fighting for your vessel. You are the machinery of the afterlife... The soul.

That's why 'aliens' and spirits , demons come to us.
They are the temporary manifestations of djinn.

If now and the after life had a time differentiation, the afterlife would be infinitely ahead. They present technology so that we backwards engineer it.
Everything we do manifests in an infinite number of frequencies or dimensions.

The evil in this world is at a flux on the lines of duality.
The as humans continue to further themselves from this 'truth'
Merely my personal truth.
These polar dualities fight for our bodies. With the intent of balancing out the scales.
Yet they cannot comprehend, even at their immortal spiritual stage, that we run the show, no matter what they do. Without the reincarnation of 'source souls' manifestations of God, the machinery they wish to create will not be powered by the balanced energy of the source souls.
Further creating a seperate duality based off of which side the scales tilt.
This is why there is over population and why it is the way it is.
So CERN will tare a direct bridge for these two forces to fight over our bodies. Bringing the once Christ back from the pit which we were meant to fill.. And he will not be the same Jesus that he went out as.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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