FairSharFairShar #racist #wingnut groups.yahoo.com

(Comment on an article posted entitled "Poll: Almost Half Of White Southerners Feel Like They're Under Attack" - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2017/11/22/poll-almost-half-of-white-southerners-feel-like-theyre-under-attack-n2406221):

Like it or not, this is why Trump's style of tweeting is so important for us. If we had a president who made nice nice in his tweets and said something like -- it isn't appropriate for a father to think stealing/shoplifting is okay...people would go ho hum. He is getting us back on track by making a big deal of things that we have been hammered for. You can't say certain things to a black person or about them, but Trump doesn't care what color someone is -- if they are wrong, he goes after them. He is an equal opportunity insulter.

It is helping us to get our voices back.

People are not looking into this deeply or how important it is that he tweets as he does.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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