Be Saved! #conspiracy
As everyone knows it, we are very close to a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE, called the third blood moon of the 2014-2015 Tetrad on April 4 2015, and closer to the exceptional SOLAR ECLIPSE, exactly on the first day of the Spring 2015, going over Great Britain.
I want you to remember that Prince William was born on a day of a SOLAR ECLIPSE exactly the very first day of Summer, i.e. June 21 1982.
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That same year, Catherine Middleton was born on a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE, i.e. a BLOOD MOON on January 9 1982.
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Everyone knows that the TOTAL - BLOOD - LUNAR ECLIPSES are not common.
Everyone knows that the SUN represents the MALE aspect, while the MOON represents the FEMALE aspect.
As you can see there is something BIG brewing because it matches two people - William & Kate - having been born the very day of an eclipse (Solar for the male, Lunar for the female) and called to become the Two Witnesses when the third BLACK HORSEMAN (BLACK LIKE THE ECLIPSE) appears on March 31 2015 according to the fractal calendar of the End Times, this rider being the one of the REWARDS of the 144,000 ELECT.
Each one was born in a month starting with the letter 'J'.
The Tetrad of the End Times
The four consecutive blood moons , also called tetrad are four consecutive lunar eclipses that will appear red because total. The series of four blood moons were rare in history. And these fall precisely at the time of the most important Jewish holidays ( Passover and Sukkot ). The Passover celebrates the beginning of the Exodus from Egypt. The Sukkot marks the divine assistance received by the Israelites during the Exodus. It is therefore a matter of Chosen People. It is remarkable to see that these eclipses echoes the FOUR HORSEMEN! They always precede the period of a new Horseman, except the third - that of the Rapture of the Chosen People of God (144 000) - that it is almost simultaneous and marked by a solar TOTAL eclipse few days before this period .
These tetrads systematically preceded tribulations for Israel (and Jews in general). The last two tetrads respectively came just before the war that occurred at the time of the creation of the State of Israel (1948) and the Six Day War (1967).
What is remarkable is that a pattern emerges. We are at the eighth tetrad since the time of Jesus. That of 1948 precedes 19 years that of 1967. The latter precedes 48 years the one in which we are. The result is: 1948 in 2018!
1948 = Date of creation of Israel.
2018 = Arrival of the Antichrist who must destroy the Temple in Jerusalem in Israel according to the Scriptures.
The Temple must indeed be destroyed a third time according to Mark 13 and Daniel 9.
The second destruction of the Temple took place in 70 AD, 70 we find between 1948 and 2018, i.e. 1948 years between 70 and 2018. We find a similar pattern, in reverse, for the series of tetrads with the exile of the State of Israel in the 8th century as a result of the Arab conquest of Jerusalem: 48 years (range 796-842) and 19 years (842-861), so '4819'.
This inversion of numbers reminds us the fractal periods of the Christian era as a result of the death of Christ where time 'compresses', compared to that of the 7 seals where time 'unpacks' when Christ returns in 2014, first year of this tetrad!
The number 8 is that of Christ (Alpha is associated with the number 1, and Omega the number 8). Now, it is the 8th tetrad since his resurrection.
The second total lunar eclipse of the tetrad is Wednesday, October 8, 2014!
The first, on April 15, took place before the war in the Gaza Strip, but before the beginning of the End Times, July 22, 2014, and therefore the first period of the 7 seals and the first Horseman (White Horseman).
This second eclipse of October 8 takes place just before the start of the second period of the Four Horsemen (Red Horseman), and therefore the second seal, which starts at the anniversary date of the Battle of Hastings of 1066, battle that marked the beginning of the Kings of Great Britain with four dynasties, aka the four beasts in Daniel 9.
The third total lunar eclipse will take place on April 4, 2015 just after the start of the third seal, and third Horseman (Black Horseman).
But what will be the beginning of the third Horseman (third seal) it is especially the solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 ... at the time of the Jewish New Year of Kings, the spring equinox!
If the Jewish holidays are indeed 'modeled' on lunar cycles, it is surprising that the total lunar eclipses fall precisely on these celebrations coinciding with the fractal calendar I presented. How many Jewish holidays of this magnitude in the year, and how many TOTAL lunar eclipses per year?
There are three major Jewish feasts, plus the new year. There are an average of two lunar eclipse per year. BUT, in Wikipedia, we see that the TOTAL lunar eclipses are rare. Since 2005, here are the dates of the total lunar eclipses: 03/03/2007, 28/08/2007, 21/02/2008, 21/12/2010, 15/06/2011, 10/12/2011, 15/04/2014, 08/10/2014.
So in ten years, we have had only eight total lunar eclipses with NO Jewish holidays ... except for 2014! In this case, we have, in addition, the same scenario for 2015, AND a total solar eclipse on the Jewish New Year of the Kings in 2015. But the point I want to emphasize is that the end of March TOTAL solar eclipse 2015, which will be on Europe (especially GB) where the Two Witnesses are, coincides with the end of the period of the Second Horseman (Red) also in late March, before the third phase of the Ministry of the Two Witnesses, the Black Horseman, before that of the Rapture of the 144,000, the Chosen People of God.
Knowing that Passover and Sukkot are both related to the Chosen People of the time of the Exodus, and therefore to be the RAPTURED 144,000 (12,000 for each of the 12 tribes of Israel), ALL JEWS OF TIME OF CHRIST, we understand that the solar eclipse turning point of March 20, 2015 is the 'midpoint' between two series of total lunar eclipses. They all come BEFORE a new seal / Horseman, except just the third (The Rapture of the 144,000) which is almost simultaneous (4/4 instead of 31/3). So there is ONE HORSEMAN FOR ONE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE!
Notice how, at the time of the exile of the Jews of Palestine in the ninth century, we have the same configuration as today.
Note that the sack of Rome in the ninth century, after the four Jewish holidays falling on four consecutive total lunar eclipses, strangely echoes the destruction of Jerusalem indicated in the Bible just after the coming of the Antichrist, once past the four periods of the Four Horsemen, and so these same four Jewish holidays / Total lunar eclipses. In short, history will repeat itself with a deadly accuracy.