MrClose #fundie
Step 1. Churches that don’t recognize gay “marriage” lose their tax exempt staus.
Step 2. The government fines out of existence and closes these churches because they are “just another business” and “discriminating” against gays by not holding gay “wedding” ceremonies is reason enough to close down these “businesses” (churches).
Step 3: Churches that don't recognize sodomite "marriage" are officially identified as "hate groups" by the DoJ.
Step 4: Congregates of those churches are summarily fired from federal civil service and administratively discharged from the military (active membership in a hate group is incompatible with federal service).
Step 5: The administration publishes a rule demanding that government contractors do not employ members of "hate groups." They are then fired from all companies with government contracts or subcontracts.
Next comes banning the Bible as “hate speech”, then monitoring church sermons and arrest and jail for any Pastors who dare preach against homosexuality. It’s already happened in countries where gay marriage is recognized.
Did I miss anything?