you have to remember, since evolutionists believe they are nothing but animals, that gives them the free reign to breed with animals. I have no doubt many of them would, given the chance. Evolutionist scientists have, no-doubt tried to make a human/chimp baby. It wouldn't surprised me if they tried to do it naturally.
We are dealing with a perverted group of people.
Yes, we certainly are dealing with a perverted group of people. They are constantly fixated on sexual perversion, thinking and talking about it all the time and even imagining that others share their sick, depraved fetishes. They are called fundies .
since evolutionists believe they are nothing but animals Well... that's basically true. Congrats on that.
that gives them the free reign to breed with animals Hmm... using that logic, believing that you are a human gives you free reign to breed with humans...
Off you go then... go breed with any human you feel like breeding with.
"You have to remember, Creationists believe they are to have dominance over all the animals and the earth, which gives them free reign to kill as many other creatures and use up all the natural resources and pollute the Earth without consideration for any other people or anmials"
"We are dealing with a perverted group of people."
Well, us people are not plants, bacteria, virusues, etc. or any in-organic material, so what are we then?
Oh yeah, animals.
Well, if we're going to go with totally unsupported assertions, I'd say supersport is a pigfucker.
Hey, he started it!
A group of scientists wanted to make an ape-human hybrid. So they went up to an Italian immigrant fresh off the boat and told him, "We'll give you $500 to sleep with a gorilla! How does that sound?"
He replied, "Three conditions. One, I'm only a-gonna do it once! Two, nobody a-gonna watch! And three, if a kid's born, it's a-gonna be raised Catholic!"
I love how he's the one fixated with the idea, while most of us can actually get the kind of human we'd like so that it really doesn't interest us.
Nice thing about not living with a couple thousand year old document shoved up your ass. Even the people who just read them are better off than this guy.
Gee Supersport...
So you're saying fundy's would be out buggering every piece of livestock in the universe if their God turned a blind eye. (no not that blind eye).
What is it with the whole 'having sex with people is utterly disgusting' theme that's so popular with fundies?
See atheists etc, can have sex with other people without having to worry about their imaginary friend frying their ass for it. They don't need to resort to animals - they're happily shagging like minded individuals!
(as opposed to fundies who seem to be unhappily shagging like minded individuals - and only maybe with the shagging.)
"Evolutionist scientists have, no-doubt tried to make a human/chimp baby."
Nope. Doing so violates ethical codes. Now, splicing a human egg with an ape spermatozoon or vice versa has been done, I believe, but the result certainly never made it to term. I don't even know if it ever divided.
"It wouldn't surprised me if they tried to do it naturally. "
It wouldn't work through sex. A basic knowledge of biology would tell you that.
One, we´re animals, with soul but animals anyway. Second, have you seen hyena having sex with a bull?, sooooooooo.................
I... they don't... but why would anyone ... just noooo...
Oh, never mind, it's Stupidspot, so it doesn't really matter.
We are dealing with a perverted group of people.
Death by Irony Overdose Award? Pleeeease!?
Well, if we're going to go with totally unsupported assertions, I'd say supersport is a pigfucker.
And don't forget Mr Coulter :P
Jezebel's Sister has it right:
Yes, we certainly are dealing with a perverted group of people. They are constantly fixated on sexual perversion, thinking and talking about it all the time and even imagining that others share their sick, depraved fetishes. They are called fundies.
This is the second post in this month where a xian fundie talked about sex with animals. WTF??
...that gives them the free reign to breed with animals.
Given that we are animals, what else is possible?
I have no doubt many of them would, given the chance. Evolutionist scientists have, no-doubt tried to make a human/chimp baby.
How the fuck does he know what I'm doing inside my hollowed-out volcano?
You have to remember, since creationists believe they are nothing but dust, that gives them the free reign [sic ] to breed with dust. I have no doubt many of them would, given the chance. Creation "scientists" have, no-doubt tried to make a human/dust baby. It wouldn't surprised me if they tried to do it naturally.
We are dealing with a perverted group of people.
They would, except for this little thing called genetics which keeps different species from breeding.
Not all the time, it doesn't!
Horses can mate with donkeys to produce mules and jennies. This is pretty remarkable in and of itself, but what's really amazing is that horses and donkeys don't even have the same number of chromosomes.
Neither do humans and chimpanzees. Humans have 46 chromosomes, chimps have 48. But that doesn't mean that a human-chimp hybrid is out of the question.
To date, though, no experimenter has even TRIED to cross a human with a chimpanzee. Not because no one has thought to do so, but because the ethical implications of such an experiment are just too scary to too many folks.
superspurt wrote:
"you have to remember, since evolutionists believe they are nothing but animals, that gives them the free reign to breed with animals."
Meanwhile fundies only breed with other vegetables like themselves.
Yeah, that why other species of animals so try to mate with those outside their own species, as well, right????
*smacks supersport*
Superman-worthy leaps here, supersport.
By the way, believing you are an animal (i.e., not a plant or nonliving material) does not logically equate to bestiality.
Cluebat, anyone?
supersport: since evolutionists believe they are nothing but animals, that gives them the free reign to breed with animals.
Just.... no.
You leave me out of your sick fantasies.
"Miss Krabappel, would it be possible to use genetics to create a cross between a man a monkey?"
"No, Bart, that would be playing God."
"God, shmod! I want my monkey-man!"
No seriously, genetics prevents certain kinds of interspecies breeding. And which fucking psycho would practice Bestiality! OF ALL THINGS! They do it in a test tube, retards. Never heard of test tube kiddies? Now you do.
Um, no, I wouldn't, they tried, but it failed, and I don't think many people do.
Humanoid aliens, perhaps, cyborgs, perhaps.
... centaurs and mermaids and satyrs and lamia and minotaurs...
And back in the real world... He really is a nasty piece of shite, isn't he?
you have to remember, since evolutionists believe they are nothing but animals, that gives them the free reign to breed with animals.
How about no?
Evolutionist scientists have, no-doubt tried to make a human/chimp baby.
Actually, there was a scientist who tried that once, but I don't know what his religious beliefs were.
We are dealing with a perverted group of people.
When you pull assumptions like that out of your ass, may as well make them perverted.
Murder in the Rue Morgue
My da-a-a-ad tried it with goats. I don't know how tha-a-at turned out.
@ Big Mac
... getting off to basically Disney cartoons from the 80's and 90's.
Two words; Jessica Rabbit.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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