Windwalker Medicine Woman #fundie
CERN is allowing the fallen angels from inside the Earth to have sex with the daughters of man again.
I thought I understood the End of Days until I watched this video. I did not.
CERN is opening up a portal into the Earth allowing all the demons that were sealed inside by God to walk upon the Earth again.
These demons will haunt the daughters of men, and they shall have sex with them, as they did in the days of old. Women, stay strong in the Lord...protect yourselves for you are precious to the Lord.
Jesus said the heart of men shall fail, and there is good reason for this. The mythological demons of old are real...they are not from some story...they are real. Jesus sealed those demons down into the Earth to protect mankind.
But the End of Days are here, and CERN is ushering in those days by opening up the pit of literal hell inside the Earth.
CERN is being funded by the Rockefellers, and they are trying to rid the Earth of humanity. They have said to God, you did not do a good job with humanity. Therefore, we want to rid ourselves of them and become Gods ourselves. We shall live forever.
The elite are escaping by going off planet, and they shall return once humanity has been killed off. However, the Lord has stated he will protect his elite...therefore, the only way to escape this horrible fate is to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord...and know you will be saved.
Please watch this video, and understand what CERN is really about...why it is revealed at this time in the history of humanity. CERN is the Beast...make no mistake about it.