Enrollment hits 43 in the free upcoming course here: Conservapedia:American Government 101. Join now while there is still space! Advantages over public school include:
an anti-Christian zealot won't gun you down in class as in Columbine
you won't have to watch an Al Gore movie
you won't have to see Goth clothing on your classmates
you won't have to pretend that the drug addicts are cool
you won't have to fear being sued by the ACLU for leading the class in prayer
Funny, I went to public school, and I didn't have to do any of those things.
I did have to worry about the leader of the Christian Council threatening the 'freaks' (the non-cloned, punk-looking kids) with a knife, since the admins never punished him. Ever.
By the way, what sort of wacko thinks that public school kids HAVE to pretend drug addicts are cool?
But you'll have to believe that there are no other countries like USA or that disagree with 99% of the world. Moreover, what if I don't care about watching Al Gore movie, or Goths in my class, I don't bother drug addicts and I want to pray whenever I want without a leading prayer?. What about if I live in a country where all those things happen and I won't have another Columbine because there is A RESTRICTION IN GUN CARRYING?
43 people are not even 0.000000001% of the 6,000 million in the world. Pretty poor, isn't it?. And last time I saw an encyclopedia, it was more neutral. Moreover, wikipedia hasn't got to do all that shit. It may mean something, may it not?
you won't have to think
Funny, I went to public school in one of those "liberal Blue States" and none of that stuff happened there. Well, except for the Goth clothing, but I don't mind that so much, especially on good-looking girls. :-)
Disadvantages include:
A christian brainwashing
You won´t learn anything useful
"Conservapedia: Who needs reality when you can make up your own."
I´m so going to use that as a signature. :)
"you won't have to fear being sued by the ACLU for leading the class in prayer"
I for one cannot WAIT to see the result when all of those "my particular IFB church is the ONLY TRUE CHRISTIAN" claims start running into eachother on minimal fundie matters like "should we beat our women with the buckle or unbuckled end of our belt?"
But of course the resulting mayhem will be claimed to have been by someone that was "obviously a satanist/atheist/whatever" due to not being the "true christian" brand of whatever survived...
an anti-Christian zealot won't gun you down in class as in Columbine How anti-Christian was Seung-Hui Cho?
you won't have to watch an Al Gore movie or be exposed to anything else that calls our dogmas into question.
you won't have to see Goth clothing on your classmates No, please, anything but Goth clothing!
you won't have to pretend that the drug addicts are cool any more than you have to do so anywhere else.
you won't have to fear being sued by the ACLU for leading the class in prayer When I was in school, we were free to lead any willing person in prayer on our own time. If anyone had led the class in prayer, it would presumably have been a Unitarian or Reform Jewish prayer, and people like you would suddenly discover the joys of non-establishment of religion.
shriekback wrote
"Cho was a Christian zealot and he killed more people. You fail."
But he wasn't born the right number of times. Thus he was actually a homosexual athiest who worships Satan and Darwin (who are,of course,the same person).
Well, if we couldn't already prove the ignorance of Conservapedia...
you won't have to see Goth clothing on your classmates
Wow, it's like being back in high school!
"an anti-Christian zealot won't gun you down in class as in Columbine"
If I was an anti-christian zealot, that place would definetly be the first of my targets
"an anti-Christian zealot won't gun you down in class as in Columbine" No but an anti moron zealot sure as might!
"you won't have to watch an Al Gore movie"
but I thought you were for RE?
"you won't have to see Goth clothing on your classmates" Just a coupla ss uniforms
"you won't have to pretend that the drug addicts are cool" you can just come right out and say it
"you won't have to fear being sued by the ACLU for leading the class in prayer" because no one worth your time is gonna show up!
How did shootings recieve some sort of required religious aspect anyway? The school shooting at my highschool was because (and I'm probably talking last straw here) his parents grounded him from his car (he killed them too). In any case, as ridiculous as the chances are I'd rather be in mortal peril in a public school than in mental peril in some dumbfuck religious brainwashing camp masquarading as a school.
...43? Impressive numbers. Not really.
Ah, when did we "have to" do any of that stuff? I remember going to public school and having anti-drug carnival things.
you won't have to see Goth clothing on your classmates
Oh noes, they're using freedom of expression! KILL THEM!
Allow me to correct this:
"Enrollment hits 43 in the free upcoming course here: Conservapedia:American Government 101. Join now while there is still space! Advantages over public school include:
-A socially ostracized, depressed, psychiopathic kid may gun you down in class as in Columbine.
-You won't have to watch an Al Gore movie, and can thus live your life in ignorance of man-caused Global Warming (live how you want and fuck everyone else over!).
-You won't have to see Goth, Pagan, stereo-cast, or really: any non-"christian" clothes on your classmates.
-Aou won't have to pretend that the drug addicts are cool, just like in regular school. In fact, you'll still be taught that drugs are bad.
-You won't have to fear being sued by the ACLU for preaching hate."
What I'm wondering is how the chances of getting gunned down is lower than any other school. Oh wait, if they pray hard enough, God will surround them with an anti-bullet faith force field. How stupid of me, that was one of the basic classes
Goths are awesome, so is the clothing.
Only when they do it just right. Done wrong, goth stuff just looks trashy.
Just as an FYI, the "Do you believe in God" "Yes" BLAM thing is nothing more than a myth perpetrated by some congressman. Apparently the question was asked, but when the askee answered in the affirmative s/he was spared.
Witty Name Here - they didn't even ask the girl that was supposedly shot for it. They asked someone else who lived.
I gotta say though - telling that to my old high school religion (AKA Brainwashing In The Name Of Christ) class teacher was hilarious.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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