EndlessCascade #conspiracy reddit.com

Paid protesters. There are ads for crisis actors that pop up before all of these events. There were witnesses in Charlottesville that saw both sides of the protest getting bussed in together. Look into Weather Warfare. Weather control technology has been around for a long time. I’m not saying it was Russia. But, it is possible these storms were not entirely natural.

The Las Vegas shooting was a false flag attack. There are numerous witness accounts of multiple shooters. Crisis actors were used for interviews. Our presidents are selected not elected. All of this “Russian interference” is deflection. They will blame Russia anytime they can because it’s easy. Do you really think they’re going to share high level dossiers with the general public? Come on.

My point is that what we are told is nonsense. It’s theater. It’s all about pushing an agenda. The main agenda being to keep us divided and distracted.
The protests are about division. They’re literally trying to reignite a race war. I’ve spoken to locals in cities with these protests and while there is still some racism in this country most people are not contributing to it. Most people are friendly with each other.

Major weather events are usually a distraction or if you really want to go down the rabbit hole some believe they are being used as warfare. We did it in Vietnam. That’s not even a conspiracy. It’s a fact. All these shootings and terrorist attacks are to keep people scared and convince them to clamor for more legislation to surrender our freedoms. The other reason is to get our support for the conflicts that serve their interests. North Korea. Iran. Russia.

We are being manipulated on a massive scale.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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