Inthebeginningministry #fundie

I have finished college for the summer but two weeks before the end of term I got a really good witness with my college tutor. I mean really good! He threw all his arguments at me for an hour and a half. He found himself cornered so many times that eventually he didn’t know what to say. He was forced to admit that evolution is a religion, that the big bang is not part of science and that dinosaurs lived with man. He also admitted that there is no real way to know that the universe is billions of years old. He is by no means a convinced creationist, but they are some major concessions to make. One thing that I think that he was surprised to notice was the amount of times that he said ‘we think—’ ‘it might have—’ it’s possible that—’ or something like that. I took full advantage of pointing that out to him, and that opinions are not part of science.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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