Larry Ridgeway #racist

[From "Give Us Us Free: A Story of Stupidity"]

In my life I have seen many things. Things, often times that I cannot help but ask myself “How?” or “Why?” Recently though, on the morning of July 8th, I read something that would make the most stoic man rise in anger. Shall we beat it into the heads of the eternal normie that these colored hordes have no sense of justice?

In the morning hours of July 5th in Savannah, Georgia, three blacks were out on the town for a drive. Not the kind of drive our people are accustomed to though. Not at all. They were on the type of drive where they go find members of another warring tribe within their race, shoot at them from their vehicle (ignoring the safety of others) and speed off and break numerous traffic violations to get away from the scene of their latest crime. Yes, a drive-by shooting.

Three colored males were injured in the shooting. After the shooting, the driver, 17 year old Jerry Chambers, led police on a chase that ended with the fleeing suspects wrecking at the intersection of Bay and Barnard street into a pedestrian-filled sidewalk. In doing so, they killed one and injured five. The man killed was a general manger of a downtown bar called “The Grey” – the man’s name was Scott Waldrup (white man). He was thirty years old.

It has been said by several witnesses at the scene that he jumped in the way of the vehicle, pushing children out of the way and saving their lives at the expense of his own. He died a hero. Mighty white of him.

The two other sub-human chimpanzees occupying the crashed vehicle also died. Can I get a hallelujah? It’s less monsters out on the street. Jerry Chambers was arrested and charged with three counts of murder.

Now the story I just told would be triggering enough if that were all. It’s not.

Turns out that Jerry (send him to the gas) Chambers was the same animal charged in the armed robbery last summer – his victim was a 63 year old woman. He and another suspect (who was not charged) beat this woman mercilessly and when she fought back, they shot her. He turned himself in two days later.

The police said they had what they thought to be a good case, but he ended up being found not guilty for a number of dog shit reasons. His attorney argued that he was the only person charged with the crime and the victim’s statement said she slammed her trunk on the fingers of one assailant. Chambers had no corresponding injury and that he could only be charged as a “party to the crime” at best. Since I can’t find the name of the attorney and the fact that those are some obnoxious and bullshit arguments, arguments that make the pursuit of justice an impossible goal to attain, I’ll just assume the attorney was some (((slime ball))).

Chambers was tried for attempted robbery (they couldn’t pursue the armed robbery because they couldn’t verify that money was actually taken, if they got nothing, they beat and shot this woman for no reason) and he was found NOT GUILTY. Yes, not guilty. He walked free to kill a man last week and injure five others.

Are you sick of reading or hearing about these same fucking stories week in and week out? Every day you hear talk of injustice for the black man, injustice for the spics, injustice for the sodomites and, dare I forget, injustice for the fucked up people who don’t know their own damn gender.

What about justice for the white man? The fact this piece of shit is charged with three murders is absurd. Murder implies you are taking the life of another human. These other chimps weren’t human. They were scum. Gang members, drug dealing, old-woman-beating-apes – is all they were. This punk should get a medal for killing them and then be promptly led to the gallows.

The fact of the matter is, and it’s shown every fucking day, that black people and having nice shit cannot happen. A stroll on the sidewalk does not make you exempt from their carelessness and violence. Let Scott Waldrup, a selfless hero, be all you need to understand that we cannot peacefully coexist with them.

I’m sure, however, that this will continue and whitey will turn away from it.

Continue on.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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