Tailgunner Joe #fundie freerepublic.com

[Christian Luv - posts from Tailgunner Joe...]

"Atheists are more despicable even than muslims."

"Atheists killed more people in the last century than anyone else ever killed in the whole history of the world. Atheists have killed more people than all the world's religions put together.
Atheism is the worst evil humankind has ever imagined and it has caused more misery and destruction than any other idea ever has."

" Communism is a subset of atheism. Not all atheists are communists but all communists are atheist. So technically atheists have killed more people than communists."

"I don't need a theocracy because I already live in a Christian nation.
You have the freedom to be Godless because you live in a country founded upon Christian principles."

[BTW, the thread had nothing to do with atheism]



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