As soon as the Iranian war starts and we go into the next presidency (whether Mr. Obama under martial law or someone else), I think Americans will begin to disappear, never to be seen again as in the Soviet era under Lenin and Stalin. This is what the recent passed NDAA law is all about. I think we will see some buses blow up in America, which will be false-flag terrorist strikes blamed on Iran and Al Qaeda (Al CIA-da). If the globalists blow up even one public transportation bus in the U.S. and the mainstream newsmedia blames some boogieman terrorist group (as they always do), then the American people will lay down and submit to any measures taken by Homeland Security to protect the nation.
They may likely blame some local patriotic group (like the Tea Party movement) as a pretext to go after patriots, constitutionalists, caring Christians and tea party groups. I don't have any special knowledge to foretell the future. I just keep up with world news and put one and one together. The truth is pretty plain to see if you're looking for it. It's so obvious that the global elite are taking over the Middle East, stealing all the oil and China is fast becoming the major world power.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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