Phillip-George(c)2013 - just passing #fundie
The demand for equality really does seem like an attack on Christianity.
Prenuptial agreements can be signed that make traditional marriage look anything but traditional. Contracts can be drawn up to agree to just about anything. There are Churches that don't recognize divorce on demand; the no- faults get divorced on a whim that is.
If this is only about access to publically funded family law courts - why is the Gay community planning for so much divorce? Oh they need the parachute option to feel comfortable leaving the ground?
If it is just about the use of the word "married" then why has the iconography got everyone so fixated about?
If it is about adoption rights - that is a big topic. I don't agree with two men or two women adopting children. I don't think the stats justify trusting the model. Anecdotal evidence probably abounds of perfectly happy gay families but what are the 'averages' - the cold stark reality of average Gay couples.
If two men are happy, content, so much in love why do they need a government certificate?
It seems literally crazy to base your happiness on what a parliament gives you.
And there remains something Utopian about this. A golden pie in the sky delusion. Can one more orgasm bring lasting peace and happiness? One more affair the joy you've always wanted?
Reminder. This is all about a group who want to stand up, be proud, look at me, I'm different from you, "I'm Gay" - now give me my rights because I'm just the same as you.
In one word it looks juvenile - attested development juvenile.
thanks for your kind reply though Sasha.