"According to evolutionists, it's a fact that aliens ruled the planet before the dinosaurs because that can't be disproven.
We have deformed skulls to prove that these aliens once had ape-like foreheads, and some walked on 2 legs and others walked on 4 legs. And since there have been confirmed sightings of alien spacecraft, that proves that they have come back to check on how things are going on planet earth.
We don't know who the first alien was, but from the few skulls and bones we have, we can tell that there were millions of them. Then when they had explored planet earth, they found it boring and decided to leave but not before some of them had died here which is why we still have their skulls and bones. From them, we can tell what they wore, what color eyes they had, and that they were covered in hair. These are what evolutionists call facts, so we've proven that aliens once ruled the planet earth."
You can't tell what color eyes they have because soft tissue like that rots before it can be preserved, same with hair, unless the imprints of the hair are preserved with the fossil. Of course there is no evidence of alien fossils. After all, how do we know they came from a different planet if all they left were they're bones?
According to evolutionists, it's a fact that aliens ruled the planet before the dinosaurs because that can't be disproven.
No, something does not become a fact just because it can't be disproven. If that were the case, there'd be all kinds of contradictory facts, because many statements can't be proven or disproven.
Oh, wait, it's Carico. Waste of effort.
"According to evolutionists, it's a fact that aliens ruled the planet before the dinosaurs because that can't be disproven."
No. As an atheist and one who accepts the ToE, I might say that is equally as valid as your ridiculous religious assertions, but I don't believe your alien assertion is at all true.
"We have deformed skulls to prove that these aliens once had ape-like foreheads, and some walked on 2 legs and others walked on 4 legs."
No, those fossil skulls are not deformed, they are perfectly formed for the creatures to whom they belonged.
"And since there have been confirmed sightings of alien spacecraft, that proves that they have come back to check on how things are going on planet earth."
Confirmed, but confirmed by who, you and your retarded cousin?
Even if there were actual aliens in alien space craft here now, it wouldn't prove they were here to check on the earth.
"We don't know who the first alien was, but from the few skulls and bones we have, we can tell that there were millions of them."
You think that visitation by space aliens is more likely than evolution? You really are a idiot.
"Then when they had explored planet earth, they found it boring and decided to leave but not before some of them had died here which is why we still have their skulls and bones."
They brought millions and millions of individuals here and then they just left?
"From them, we can tell what they wore, what color eyes they had, and that they were covered in hair."
Or, D. None of the above.
"These are what evolutionists call facts, so we've proven that aliens once ruled the planet earth."
No, WE have not even tried. YOU are the only one contending such twaddle, and you haven't proven anything but your insanity.
Yep, looks like proper scientific method to me!
I find myself wondering, when I read posts by Carico and dad...what the hell does this even have to do with Jesus anymore? It's just utterly random weirdness at this point.
It's true. She's getting worse by the minute. Kind of like watching a plane crashing; it's horrible, but yet it's fascinating all at the same time.
My brother in law tried to convince me that all of the 'misshapen' skull that are found, aren't from neanderthals etc, but scientists just happen to find ONLY the 'Andre The Giant's' of the time. Every skull that doesn't look human is a freak of nature. Apparantly all of the 'Normal' skulls just melted away and left just the weird ones.
Religion is a form of mental illness.
Extrapolation: Well, it may not have to do with Jesus directly, but I think Carico, dad, et al. at least think they are supporting the biblical view of creation.
But I have to wonder also: How do the other posters on that site react to Carico's and dad's ravings? You'd think that stuff this mad would put off even most fundies.
I think this particular piece is actually intended as a sarcastic criticism of evolution (and of science in general), but it's really hard to tell where the sarcasm leaves off and the actual point of view begins.
~David D.G.
It's a short thread; only supersport stands with (well, near) her. I thought it was sarcastic turn-around at first too, but it looks like one more non-disprovable belief she can add to her world-view that just so happens to also discredit current ToE.
So sorry, but the facts are on our side, not yours. :winking smiley:
You can't handle the facts!
Ah, Hahahahahaha - at long last I have "met" the infamous Carico. I've seen the name bandied about here but this is the first time for solid evidence. Quite entertaining. I used to have to go to Pershing Square in L.A., or the 6th Street bus terminal, to hear the insane ramblings of these nuts, and there's a certain danger in that - this is MUCH better; the Internet. Thanks, Car, for the laugh.
You nut.
"but from the few skulls and bones we have, we can tell that there were millions of them."
How do you do that, exactly?
Unlike your 'aliens walked the earth' theory, evolutionary biologists have a little thing called evidence to back them up.
We don't just have a 'few skulls and bones'. Ever heard of the Burgess Shale fossils? I'm guessing not. Or Lucy?
Try researching your argument once in a while.
""According to evolutionists, it's a fact that aliens ruled the planet before the dinosaurs because that can't be disproven.
We have deformed skulls to prove that these aliens once had ape-like foreheads, and some walked on 2 legs and others walked on 4 legs. And since there have been confirmed sightings of alien spacecraft, that proves that they have come back to check on how things are going on planet earth.
We don't know who the first alien was, but from the few skulls and bones we have, we can tell that there were millions of them. Then when they had explored planet earth, they found it boring and decided to leave but not before some of them had died here which is why we still have their skulls and bones. From them, we can tell what they wore, what color eyes they had, and that they were covered in hair. These are what evolutionists call facts, so we've proven that aliens once ruled the planet earth.""
..can I have some of your drugs?
Carico, i suggest you DONT get completely drunk before you post on the internet. however, assuming you WEREN'T drunk when
you posted this, you FAIL.
Wow. Way to actually read data. If aliens did roam the Earth, their bone structure and features could possible be completely different. Also, finding other forms of intelligent life in our universe is slim to none. There are other solar systems out there that show other planets, but guess what? None suitable for any forms of life. So what, those aliens are just roaming around traveling fast then the speed of light? 299,792,458 m/s is the law. Anyways, if those "aliens" you speak of, were covered in hair, does that mean they were apes?
What??? Aliens???
some of them had died here which is why we still have their skulls and bones. From them, we can tell what they wore, what color eyes they had, and that they were covered in hair.
none of which can be told from just bones...
I'm sorry, why is this yet to be said:
No, seriously. Burden of proof lies with claimant, blah blah blah..
Insanity of this high quality doesn't deserve cool, logical responses. Only ridicule and incredulity allowed.
If you held her down and forced her to explain the logic that she used to come up with this, would it be the sort of schizophrenic, semi-coherent loopy logic that conspiracy theorists and stock sitcom ditzes come up with, or would it be complete gibberish?
We have deformed skulls
We do, now do we?
According to the King James Bible, it's a fact chocolate easter eggs contain unborn babies' souls. Eating one is how women get pregnant.
Oh, wait, sorry, I just made up something crazy and ascribed it to a source I disagree with.
I may be horribly confused, but I thought that was Scientology, not-
Oh, right. Carico. Nevermind. This isn't really fair, now. You're hogging all the stupid. :C
"According to evolutionists, it's a fact that aliens ruled the planet before the dinosaurs"
Any reliable source for this claim?
And by reliable I mean a declaration by an actual evolutionist biologyst held in some consideration by the scientific community, not some Kent Hovnid rant.
I didn't think so.
Uh, methinks YOU are the alien, mein freund. I mean, honestly, what radioactive water have you been gargling?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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