This quote is by Adolph Hitler. And if you read some history, Hitler created a massive army of Jew killer from German youths trained to be his soldiers. Now, how did he do it. By continual exposure to his(Hitler's pholosophy of life and who is worth this or that). We read the history and call it brainwashing and a angered by it and rightly so. But so how this same way of thinking is in the church and in our society when it comes to raising children. Somehow some churches, families, parents feel that raising their children in the nuture and admonition of the Lord is brain washing them. This maybe stretching it quite a bit, but just think and answer, why don't the church teach based on the statistical data the dangers of dating. What the church, family, parents do instead is tell a man or woman that they can take fire in their bosom and not get burned. These are the rules for dating? I, you, us can positively impact the dating stats, one way being the same a Hitler, teach our children when they are young the way they should go. Notice the results directly in the verse. And when they are old, THEY WILL NOT DEPART FROM IT.
No if God inspired this to be put in His word, then God must have a way for it to be done. And my example of Hitler shows that it can be done; although Hitler did evil, but he thought he was doing good.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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