Darwinism is a mere philosophy that rather clearly misinterprets & stubbornly ignores obvious overwhelming evidence of Intelligent Design reported by hundreds of MSc/PhD scientists, from microbiology to astronomy
True ID science is careful observing/testing all evidence
'Darwinism is a mere...'
- Antiquated phrase?
"Darwinism is a mere philosophy that rather clearly misinterprets & stubbornly ignores obvious overwhelming evidence of Intelligent Design reported by hundreds of MSc/PhD scientists, from microbiology to astronomy"
Hundreds? Care to list a few hundred of them, say, 200 or so? Even if you can, does it matter, against the MILLIONS of science professionals who have successfully used the ToE as a working tool during the last 150 years? Actually, it might, if those "scientists" had the evidence to back up their claims -- but they don't, which is why they remain an insignificant fringe group, nearly all of whom aren't even biologists or bioscientists -- the ones whose professional opinions actually count for much on issues of this sort. Oh, and astronomy doesn't have diddly to do with evolution.
"True ID science is careful observing/testing all evidence "
True science does require careful observing/testing of all evidence. Now let's see ID start doing ANY of that. So far, all the ID folks have is denigration of classic ToE and a philosophical position that is scientifically untestable and doesn't predict anything. Heck, they don't even have an actual theory to test! They barely have a hypothesis, and what there is of it is drawn from "careful observing" in the same way as pareidoliac images of Jesus or the Virgin Mary in the surface of food. They've just managed to play a successful mind game on themselves and are trying to drag everyone else into it. It's would be merely pathetic if they weren't so viciously aggressive and mendacious about it.
~David D.G.
hundreds of MSc/PhD scientists, from microbiology to astronomy
How long do you think it'll take them to realise that astronomy has nothing to do with the theory of evolution?
What David D.G. said, as usual.
Hundreds. That really is an underwhelming number of scientists. Plus, (not)Ondaball, you probably should have said "from anatomy to zoology." A to Z is always the way to go.
How the fuck do you get a PhD while believing in ID? Memorize, do the experiments, write the exams, write the theses...then disregard seven years of education?
Diploma mills don't count.
The problem is that the Intelligent Design purpored by people outside of the field of biology is not relevant to evolutionary theory, and "true ID science" is observing the evidence and testing it, and then claiming that Jesus is the obvious answer. Not exactly science...
They are now operating on the presumption that if they continue to repeat that ID is supported by reputable scientists, and that there are mounds of evidence in its favor, the names and evidence will magically appear.
I guess we should just ignore the millions of respected scientists, who have hard copy of research materials, and listen to a .01 percentage of loonies... Yeah, that'll happen.
Darwinism is a mere philosophy that rather clearly misinterprets & stubbornly ignores obvious overwhelming evidence of Intelligent Design reported by hundreds of MSc/PhD scientists, from microbiology to astronomy
Firstly. What evidence is this. Never seen it since no ID dude wants to show it.
Secondly. Project Steve says shut the hell up! We have more scientists called steve than your hundreds of Scientists. Oh and BSc. is not somehow less a scientist than a PhD or MSc.
True ID science is careful observing/testing all evidence
So are you taking into account the Hindu view? The Buddhist view? Why is it just Jehovah you seem to want to use? What about the Raelians and Scientologists. Oddly enough you keep dragging up this "bible" malarky.
[evidence of Intelligent Design reported by hundreds of MSc/PhD scientists, from microbiology to astronomy]
Name them, and cite their work, or you're full of crap.
I'm particularly keen on seeing the work done by the astronomers that refutes "Darwinism".
WTF does astronomy have to doe with the Toe?
WTF is "Darwinism"? Is it what biographer's of Charles Darwin do?
Where the hell is this alleged overwhelming (perhaps he meant underwhelming?) evidence for ID? And, again, wtf does astronomy have to do with the ToE????
I'd like the names of all these supposed "scientists" that support ID. Also, your last sentence is just a fragment, it should read like this:
"True ID science is careful observing/testing all evidence, except when it doesn't show support for ID, which is pretty much everything, in which case we either ignore it, or twist it until it does support ID ."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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