Our Country was Founded on Christian Values... and allowing Any Other god to be worshiped is just that... It is Idol Worship and unconscionable! It is another reason our country has gone downhill... we're not honoring God and He is allowing us to destroy ourselves.. Unless we turn around and repent.
You went wrong right out of the starting gate. Our country was founded on MORAL values, but they are not (and never were) restricted to Christianity alone. And that little constitution thingy expressly states neutrality on the part of the state, and leaves religious definitions to the individual.
allowing Any Other god to be worshiped is just that... It is Idol Worship and unconscionable! It is another reason our country has gone downhill... we're not honoring God and He is allowing us to destroy ourselves.. Unless we turn around and repent
Did you vote in 2016 for an idol you worshipped: who hasn't repented of his sins...?!
Oh, I'm afraid that since late 2017: allowing a paedophile fundie Christain ex-judge to run for Senate, you have already destroyed the Religious Reich: that which once had absolute power in the Raygun Era.
Not voting for Hillary Clinton: who - as she is a Protestant Christian - did repent: and even forgave .
She is infinitely more Christian that you & all your ilk will ever be. And unless you voted for her - instead of an unrepentant : certainly hypocritical, Repubican; both idols worshipped by Trumptards & paedo judge-enablers - the only way you can truly repent is to vote Democrat later this year: to say nothing of 2020.
And forever .
Donald Fart has truly destroyed the GOP. Roy Less made sure of that. Good.
Judy Holt: "Our Country was Founded on Christian Values...what I think of as Christian Values, that is: Marriage = one man, one woman! Gay = makes God vomit, therefore EVIL!! Sex = to be practiced ONLY within marriage (or by a husband with a woman other than his wife if he feels like it! It's only Adultery if it's the wife who cheats, with another man )!"
Look, if you want to live in an opressive theocracy that much, go move to some middle eastern hellhole. But stop trying to force countries like the USA to be anything but a democratic republic. For good and bad.
If you hate such values, don't live there, simple as that. After all, there you still have the freedom to leave, dumbass.
I was going to read you the First Amendment and the Treaty of Tripoli in my Strine accent, yes we know your laws and history, better than some brainwashed religious Americans. However, it looks like SpukiKitty has beaten me to it.
I've had a few fundies tell me themselves recently, that religious freedom IS part of the "Christian Values" the US was supposedly founded on.
Just never mind that bit in the Bible about "no gods before me", and the fact that you'll go to Hell for not having the right religion, I guess. Aside from that, you're free.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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