> But it is becoming painfully clear that the "simple cell" is an holistic information-processing and communication system of unparalleled complexity.
Has anyone ever denied this? Yes, there's a boatload of information in DNA. Yes, cells are complex and they process the information contained in DNA.
> The "science" journals are staffed with ideological Darwinists who despise any criticism of their "theory". One can't even get a mildly critical letter to the editor of PNAS published let alone a manuscript.
Peer review isn't censorship, it's a form of quality control. Moderation of discussion forums isn't censorship, it's a form of quality control. If you want to publish your opinions, there's plenty of other, more appropriate venues for you to do so.
> SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS is what I have to say to you!
"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur" is what I have to say to you.
Seriously, I have no idea what "Sic semper tyrannis" does here.
> Darwinism is kept alive through censorship.
No one's censoring the opposition. The points the creationists are trying to make are already widely known.
Darwinism is kept alive because people can see the competing theories and conclude it's the best theory that has been proposed. Just because you can publish your theories it doesn't mean they'll automatically win.
"Free science" sounds like an interesting concept - I'll give you full marks for marketing effort. But as I fancy myself an informed consumer, I'd like some more information on what this "free science" actually means. After all, this conjures images of a "free market"; while "free market" isn't a bad thing on principle, there's always people who peddle bullshit scams and we need to beware of those shady individuals. So what exactly do you propose?