Responding to"
"After Jesus, Paul is my main man, my favorite NT personality!"
Paul is this girl's HERO - can't wait to meet that man & share some cheesecake while I'm surrounded by a zoo of animals.
That's nice, little girl. Maybe when you grow up, you'll actually read the Bible and study its history and learn that it's asinine to worship both Jesus and Paul since the latter corrupted the former's message ...
but somehow I doubt you'll ever learn anything.
Yes, a great friend of women is Paul, what with the instructions to be silent and submissive to their menfolk.
If Paul were alive today, he'd be holed up in a cave somewhere North of Kabul by now.
I don't know, Doubting Thomas is who I would choose if I had to pick a favorite NT personality.
Paul was a an outright loonie.
Also this is not very fundie
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Responding to"
"After Jesus, Paul is my main man, my favorite NT personality!"
Paul is this girl's HERO - can't wait to meet that man & share some cheesecake while I'm surrounded by a zoo of animals.
Nadiine, Christian Forums [Comments (7)] [2008-Jul-14]
Sounds pretty...arrogant. Prideful, I might even say.
But animals have no soul, how will they be in heaven? And I doubt you'll have time for pleasant conversation with Paul over cheesecake with all the bowing and singing praises to your god you'll be expected to do for all eternity once you get there. Besides, you're a woman, Paul won't want anything to do with you... especially concerning theological matters.
Christianity really ought to be called "Paulinity" as he overrode much of what Jesus said and made up his own rules whenever it suited his purposes. Much of current Church doctrine is out of the mouth of Paul, not Jesus.
Paul was a bigot, a misogynist, an admitted liar and quite the assbite. Of all the heros one could pick, Paul has to be one of the poorest choices.
Ignorant of the real content of the NT, but not fundie.
As some of the responses here have already observed, Paul completely ignored Jesus's own teachings and actions. It's almost as if he didn't know the story...
Seriously, Paul?
That sadomasochistic misogynistic sexophobe who brought us the concepts of original sin, the sin of long hair on men, the silence and subordination of women, and that marriage is only a last resort for men who can't resist sex?
Judas would be a far better choice.
I think she imagines the afterlife as in The Lovely Bones, where your place has everything in it that you personally like. The girl in the book had dogs everywhere, for example.
So she would get cheesecake and animals. And a raving misogynist cretin. Two out of three...
Paul is your Hero? Paul the man that said that you're only worth is to be a sex toy for your husband and bear children until you die.
Yeah, I think you need to read the bible a bit closer.
Well in a later post she openly admits that Paul trumps Jesus.
I personally have no use for Paul... I'm Christian but I don't view anything in the Bible as having any special significance except for what comes from Jesus' mouth the rest is recordings of events nothing more, rulings of the old testement which were applicable to the times, or the personal opinions of the letter writers (as is this case I feel for Paul).
Jesus said nothing about the effeminite, gays, or much about sex at all (there's only 4 times Jesus talks about Sex and they're very open to interpretation). I have no use for Paul's fear mongering and homo-phobia... and no use for the modern church that bases it's rhetoric on Paul.
Oh... I'm bisexual and transgendered... I find no condemnation in the words of Jesus but in Paul I find an enemy, who corrupted a message of love and replaced it with one of fear.
Have to concur with Ozma here, I'm a Christian in that I try to follow the teachings of Christ, and I'm transgendered, and honestly I could give a damn about that misogynist Saul of Tarsus.
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