Anonymous Coward #fundie
vegans are closer to God - why meat eaters (the ungodly) see them as pompous
- being higher up on the sidereal food chain, having chosen to align with energy renewal that is more directly connected with God's source
- their DNA vibrating at a higher, lighter frequency - easily integrating the simple light geometry of fruits and vegetables directly into their open pineal glands and kundalini channels
- free of the common crisis found running rampant in the cellular reproduction attempts of the man who continues to consume the dead flesh and blood of once walking and speaking beings. free of demons.
- free of chronic gastrointestinal inflammation caused from the acidic condition of rotting flesh in the intestines, and free from having to pass uric acid, lactate, lesion-prone, hormone loaded, rotting "meat" (whatever the fuck "meat" is these days) through their asshole on a daily basis.
.. would likely be seen as "pompous" to an angry, bacon-eating asshole. The vegan seems condescending to the asshole, because technically the vegan is condescending and lives in a higher dimension of existence. It is not a negative thing to the vegan, the vegan would likely welcome the asshole in for a bean pie, whereas the asshole would just spew at the vegan for being skinny or gay. The Breatharian would seem condescending to the vegan if the vegan still had negative ego projections (more of a meat-existence program), but it's all good to the vegan if one wants to just live on air. Of course the herniated bacon eating asshole just wants to tell the vegan and breatharian to fuck off from their lower state and condition of being.
There is no problem as far as I am concerned. Things all just going along according to where people are at in life. Breatharians, vegans, and bacon-eating assholes all just getting along, singing campfire songs and passing on the all-beef hot dogs or vegan marshmallow smore's.